40 million babies have been killed because stupid people who don't take responsibility don't feel like dealing with them. And you criticize God for killing children in the flood?
I'd consider it a massive stretch to call them "babies" at that point. Four, five months in, maybe, but most abortions don't happen that late.
So...you'd rather a child grow up on the streets, or in poverty, just so Momma can carry the fetus to term, and you can score brownie points with the G-man?
“40 million babies have been killed because stupid people who don't take responsibility”
Love to know how you know this. I suspect you just project this onto people so you can justify hating them, AND supporting legislation to curb their behavior.
My wife had a procedure done that qualifies as an abortion by some states’ laws. She was not ducking responsibility in that action.
“don't feel like dealing with them.”
That wasn’t it, either. But you get to feel SO morally superior by lumping everyone together, and judging them by your fantasy, don’t you?
“And you criticize God for killing children in the flood?”
The omnipotent God? God’s life AND His lifestyle were not at risk in Noah’s time. He could have ended every wicked person’s life individually with no impact on the world. He could have staged a reverse Rapture. Every wicked person, boom, buried in the ground, no bodies to deal with. Any babies could have been instantly born and aged, appearing like Adam in a community. But no, drama queen has to kill all the people and the animals in a horrible way. You invoke God in your cries against Abortion, but he killed every man (save four) every woman, (save four) and every toddler, baby, fetus, blastocisty on the planet, AND all the baby ducks. So stuff your religion in the abortion box and shut the fuck up.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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