Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com
The "refugees" are mostly migrants. They are not coming to be part of any country, but to exploit it and then conquer it and rule it. They are not bound by any moral or ethical code that we understand.
Their advocates talk about "human rights", but in Muslim culture there is no such thing as human rights. Their cultures are tribal. There are no universal rights, only responsibilities to members of kin groups. When those kin groups remain intact, then members will prey exclusively on outsiders. When they fall apart, as they do during immigration and migration, then mass rapes and murders take place.
Europeans believe in human rights. Muslims do not.
Europeans believe women are equal. Muslims do not.
Europe can either have free women, bars, churches, synagogues, cartoons, free speech, pork sausage and beer. Or it can have millions of Muslim migrants and their wide-eyed toddlers.
It can't have both. Not for long. Because there will be "misunderstandings."
Bombs will go off, women will be raped and cartoonists murdered. And we will be told to change our behavior to avoid more of these "misunderstandings". After each "misunderstanding", we will lose more of our civil rights and the invaders will have more power to dictate our behavior and our way of life.
Until finally the only way to end all these "misunderstandings" will be a submission to the Islamic State. We may finally understand then, but it will be too late.