One question can destroy Atheism
Can nature create more powerful Computer by itself than human?
Human brain created Computer, does NATURE have BRAIN to create human?
If answer is yes then that NATURE is God and he also can communicate.
"If answer is yes"
it isn't
If answer is yes then that NATURE is God and he also can communicate.
Congratulations on stumbling across a heresy that led to the agonizing deaths of thousands upon thousands of Humans at the hands of zealous church leaders.
Can nature create more powerful Computer by itself than human?
Given millions of years, selective pressures, and the right circumstances then yes, nature can create something more complicated then a computer.
But I would like to remind you that current computers are able to do calculations thousands if not millions of times faster then the human brain can. Since the primary function of a computer is computing then I would say curently humankind has beaten nature. Now nature could still make a computer better then we could, but we can do it faster and more efficient.
So where's your God now?
"One question can destroy Atheism"
I doubt it.
"Can nature create more powerful Computer by itself than human?"
Most creatures have brains with better functionality that the best supercomputer in the world. Computers generally just sort data and crunch numbers after all where brains do quite a bit more.
"Human brain created Computer, does NATURE have BRAIN to create human? "
No, nature has evolution to create humans. Much better than simple engineering that humans use. In fact, the principles of evolution are now being used to engineer various things since they work so well.
"If answer is yes then that NATURE is God and he also can communicate."
I have no problem with you calling nature "god" if that's what gets you off. At least nature is evident. It doesn't, however, "communicate".
One question can destroy Atheism
The only thing that can destroy atheism, is if a god suddenly showed up and started doing magic. Why? Because the existence or rather non-existence of gods, is the ONLY topic atheism deals with.
Um..besides the fact that this is pretty incoherent, if I'm understanding it correctly, then his argument sucks. Of course, his argument makes no sense, in more than one way. Fail.
1. Probably if humans were dead, since humans aren't going to live forever.
2. 'Nature' is not a living thing, it doesn't have a brain or intelligence, it is random and chaotic, the real question you should be asking is where did nature come from.
3. The answer is no. Also it took me 10 minutes to make sense of this, you've killed more brain cells that my last pub crawl.
If God is Nature, then we can safely say atheists were right anyway, since God is clearly not omnipotent, there's clearly no Heaven or Hell, and there's obviously not even an eternal soul unique to mankind.
Actually, not only have you have reinforced atheism, you have also made a 1st class arguement for Wicca.
We are in our present state due to hundreds of generations of evolution. Only religion (specifically christianity) in its hunger for total domination of humanity, has curtailed many of humanities achievements by at least 1600 years.
Human brain created Computer, does NATURE have BRAIN to create human?
If answer is yes then that NATURE is God and he also can communicate.
Super Mutant Larry.
Is that you?
I see words, and I see that they're English, but I can't tell what they mean strung together in this sentence.
Vinegar for the word salad, please.
One question for Hunter200: where the hell did you learn grammar? If you paid someone to teach it to you, you ought to get a refund.
Your question, I'm sad to say, is pure rubbish, a computer is not natural, therefore nature can't have made it. Humans are natural, we have evolved through natural selection.
Nature does not have a brain, as Nature is not a sentient entity.
One question can destroy religion:
Can a fundie produce God, in hard, solid physical form that can be seen, heard & touched; who can then prove he is who he says he is via demonstrations of his power (to the satisfaction of we Atheists)? If the answer is no, then God doesn't exist.
And for my next trick, proving that black is white by my use of this zebra crossing...
*sound of car approaching*
[Douglas Adams]
"Human brain created Computer, does NATURE have BRAIN to create human?"
Brain and brain, what is brain?!
What i could gather, we are looking for:
1x nature, which creates a more powerful computer than human, who has the brain to create a computer, which the nature apparently doesn't have, because it can't create a human?
My brain asploded.
On the other hand, this post may not make any sense. And, what has this got to do with atheism anyway?
it is true, in a sense, that the atheist asked such a question will be 'destroyed'. more accurately, he will simply stand there unable to answer because he's wondering if the person asking the question is fucking serious, and where one would find such a drug as to make one so delusional. XD
(from Renon. forgot ta enter that)
The quick answer is: Yes!
Our brains are already more complex than the brains of Homo Erectus, Cro-Magnon or Neanderthal. It's reasonable to assume that given another 100,000 or 200,000 years, they will become measurably more complex still.
Oh, no, not this tired old thing again...
Computers don't procreate, humans do.
If computers did evolve, we would probably still be stuck with Commodore 64. Nature only does "Good enough", it doesn't do "Better and more effective than ever before".
Btw, Gay brain created computer, Atheist brain created the Internet.
> Can nature create more powerful Computer by itself than human?
Nature "created" the most powerful computers in existence today, the human brain itself.
> If answer is yes then that NATURE is God and he also can communicate.
The term "God" implies sentience. Physics and chemistry are not sentient. Therefore, nature is not God.
"Lucy "
Scarlett Johansson unintentionally ingests an ultra-powerful drug surgically implanted into her, resulting in her ultimately manipulating space-time, nay, reality at her whim. She turns into a bioelectronic megacomputer.
After giving Morgan Freeman all knowledge on a flash drive, she becomes God.
She communicates on someone's mobile phone via text message 'I Am Everywhere'.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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