This is somewhat quasi-off-topic but I had to talk about it. I wanted to discuss something concerning Alt-Right types and their harassment campaigns.
I'm talking about it here so that I'd be seen and we could discuss this. I won't go to the F.Q.A. web forum because it's too negative here whereas folks here like and understand me.
It's a bit of....
....but I broke it into bits so it's easier to read and understand.
I was reading this article....
....and felt a bit bummed afterwards.
Anyway; I was bummed because it ended on a downer note (Though it did make a point similar to 'Evil will triumph when good people do nothing). Basically; It stated that the Alt-Right harassers are just a minority yet the majority doesn't fight back because we've let the fear of these dorks turning on us scare us into silence.
Well; I thought to myself, "Enough is enough!" WE need to grow a pair of blazing titanium balls (testicular or ovarian), get over that fear and start a movement of our own. We need to get a bunch of folks together to act as defenders of the harassed! These need to be people who are good with all things cyberspace so that the Alt-Right harassers would have a hard time detecting who's fighting back.
There also needs to be a bunch of petitions DEMANDING that companies such as Twitter and others CRACK DOWN and completely BAN every harassers on their sites. They have the records. The records reveal who they are. They can be found and stopped.
There needs to be another cool cyber-group out there who's sole purpose is to totally zerg-rush threads that are being hijacked by harassers. For example; Leslie Jones goes on Twitter....
* The idiots come in and do their thing.
* BUT THEN a legion of defenders come in with tons of words of support for Leslie! WE fight and overwhelm theses Alt-Right boogers.
* Knowing that she's fully supported, she'll feel safe and supported at not be driven off. The evil trolls LOSE!
* These defenders will know computer geeky stuff as well as other tricks to decrease the chance of being stalked by Alt-Goons. Many with be heroic, good guy hackers who can find out everything about the Trolls. We can fight back and mess with their plans!
The AntiHate bunch need to copy and subvert the Hater's ways and tactics!
* There needs to be a plethora of Anti-Hate sites!
* There needs to be a genre of AntiHate Rock.
* A lot of these Haters think Nazis were cool. Well; The AntiHaters can copy and subvert the look, iconography, dress, etc. of these groups. Imagine; AntiNazis and an AntiKlan!....Even if it's just to mock! Like these guys!....
....FABULOUS! There can even be a bunch of cool AntiFacists in funky leather, BDSM-inspired Military Dress Uniforms with armbands with the insignia of a Peace sign or whatever.
* Make the bigoted Nazis/KKK into a bunch of goofy, harmless nincompoops to laugh at. So basically....the subverted AntiNazis/AntiKlan/TradSkinheads will be depicted as super-cool while the Hateful NeoNazis/Klan/Hateful Skinheads will all be depicted as these comical buffoons.
* Bring back the ORIGINAL, British-style, Left-Wing, Punk Rock/Ska/Reggae loving Skinheads....who were the antithesis of what folks think of when they think of Skinheads, today.
* A Western version of the Gulabi (or 'Pink') Gang for when the rapists get away with their crimes....
....Brock Turner, watch out (though I'd encourage a somewhat less violent....but still pretty threatening to rapists....approach. Besides, one should let the Law do it's thing, first and not jump on any suspect. The Pink Gang does a lot more than pummel people)!
* Get the religious bunch involved. There's plenty of Progressive and sane churches, temples and mosques. Give them a voice! Get into the Televangelist circuit! Progressive Revival Preachin'!
* An awesomely engaging website that will explain Progressive values and political concepts in a very colorful, simple way. Our minds these days want soundbites and talking heads. Surely one can make even that informative!
* Do the same when explaining Islam and debunking AntiMuslim arguments.
* Try to reach out to average schmoes who are wingnutty. Don't reject them all as idiots. When you reach out to someone in friendship, you may actually convert a few to reason.
Waddaya say?