[the Ark couldn't support itself unless it was made with aluminum]
It could float on its top with the Lord in control.
Why did God bothered to create things in such a way that could be ordered according to certain physic and natural laws, to begin with?, or is it that you´re unable to reconcile your faith and the science?
Why couldn't God just make adequate transportation appear? What was the point of ordering him to build something that wouldn't work, then spend the next year holding it together?
Face it, Lindallnd, it's just a legend.
Even when disregarding problems with logistics, buoyancy, animal care, etc., there are still a whole host of other problems with the flood.
You don't have the holy spirit. You couldn't understand. Prove that 'having the Holy Spirit' makes you more likely to understand Christian irrationality.
You don't have the holy spirit. You couldn't understand.
I'm sorry, but a basic understanding of physics trumps "a book says so, so it must be true" any day, even to a non-atheist like me.
Would you care to explain how all those animals fit on a 450-ft. boat, while we're here?
I once read some guy who said God made the inside of the Ark bigger than the outside so all the animals could fit. Yes, he basically said that Noah's Ark was like Dr. Who's TARDIS.
This reminds me of the medieval witch trials. The husband of an accused witch said his wife couldn't have been at a Sabbat because she was with him the whole night. The judge simply claimed that the wife used her magical powers to create an illusion of herself, to fool the husband.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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