There is no force of gravity when their is no air.
You see that is the only exception!
Oh, good grief!!!
This nut reminds me of my 8th grade Earth science teacher (actually a drill team coach who got saddled with having to teach science), who switched the positions of Mars and Venus and claimed that "gravity is the result of a planet spinning on its axis."
Congratulations, WITLESS THE UNREAL, you could be teaching 8th grade science classes in public school. Unfortunately.
~David D.G.
So by his logic, couldn't astronauts in the space shuttle be able to walk around comfortably as long as there's something to breathe inside?
This guy seems to be getting all his scientific knowledge from bad cartoons from the eighties. How many children have to fail basic science before those animated bastards learn!
I seem to recall an experiment in physics class. Basically a large vertical glass tube was put under vacuum and a feather and a marble were dropped at the same time.
Because neither the feather nor the marble experiences drag they both undergo the same acceleration under gravity and arrive at the bottom of the tube at the same time.
Not only is there gravity in a vacuum, but it acts the same on objects of different weight.
I wonder how WITNESS would interpret such data..
erm...the actual name of the forum from which this quote was taken is "WhyWon'" not "Why Does God Hate Amputees", although I admit that the second one is definitely the more intriging name of the two.
Thanks, and keep up the good work!
~Plan 9
According to theoretical quantum mechanics, gravity is the result of emission and absorption of spin-2 massless force-carrying particles called gravitons. According to special relativity, it's caused by the curvature of space due to the presence of massive objects.
It has nothing to do with air, so you see, you're a retard.
"My cat's smarter than this twerp.."
So's mine, and his ashes have been on the mantle for over a year.
Please don't laugh, but I think I can relax my brain enough to grok this bizzaro.
There is a correlation, but the causality is bassackwards. Like, atmosphere is held close to a planet by....
without gravity an atmosphere can't be held in place BUT Gravity does exist without an atmosphere. The Moon or any large body in space.
Is'nt that nearly obvious?
sorry to wasre everybody else's time
Ok chief, here's how it really works in layman's terms: matter exacts force on other objects that attracts or dispels them. This is called "gravity". Though I do have the general idea, I could be explaining this wrong because science isn't my forte.
Plus, wtf? How do you manage to use the wrong there when you've already used the correct one once in the sentence? Are you oblivious, or just dumb? *looks up at the sentence above this one* I guess it's the latter.
Believe what you want, "Witness the real".
Other nations (obviously more advanced) will meanwhile continue doing spaceflight. Just continue with your madness, let people like you gain power in the US, and your once great nation will soon be behind the rest of the world with no chance of catching up. You already lost your ability to put men into space and are now completely dependent on the russians, remember?
Now, that's just uncalled for. Almost everyone, regardless of their country, would agree that the quote is an impressive concentration of nonsense.
And, incidentally, your statements about the space industry are not correct. The US is still the biggest single player - and NASA is the only group to have sent anything into the outer solar system. What's changed is that the Shuttle is being replaced by cheaper and (hopefully) safer commercial carriers. There will be a gap of a few months between the last Shuttle flight and the first Dragon's arrival at the ISS, but that's not so important.
Educated people actually once thought that gravity was limited to the Earth and its atmosphere. This was before Isaac Newton and his theories of mechanics and universal gravity.
You are several hundred years behind the times scientifically. Read a book on Science sometime.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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