Robert #fundie

Commenting on a blog post/following comment discussion about the ridiculously high ages in Genesis and how life could have "devolved" from the "Fall of Mankind" to "The Flood" in only 1656 years, Yahweh's limit on human age (120) and the question whether the earth could have been repopulated from 8 people to the estimated 30 million.

read the whole thread, it's fun.


Ok, I'm a nihilist hardcore, but you fellow's don't seem to know much of anything about real nature as studied by science, OK In an oxygen rich environment (about 30% of the atmosphere) cellular repair increases at a phenomenal rate, a human will be able to live an estimate 300+ years with the original atmosphere the chances for have more one child at a time quadruples and also it takes about 500,000,000 years for our galaxy to go in a full rotation each revolution of the galaxy is a galactic day, this is the original measurement of "a day" but in terms of the age of humans the years would also be slightly different since our plant, it's axis, it's revolution rate and orbital rates have changed dramatically due to many cosmic events I.E. massive meteorites and other calamities.



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