you have been given the word of god and what it states and you have still done nothing to show a video of one species turning into another. we can show video of what the word of god states that is all the evidence you should need. you want evidence but you dont want to see the evidence that has been put in front of you nor do you have evidence of something in the natural or wild turning into another species. any of us can go into a lab mix molecules and make a different insect.
A book does not count as evidence of a supreme deity because said book could have been written by anyone and it's impossible to verify if they were telling the truth, unless you hold it to the same standards we hold all other scientific criteria, at which point the Bible falls apart.
Way to cleverly dodge the issue, Chris. Let's assume for a minute that evolution actually did work the way your ridiculous strawman says it does. A video would be nice. It would be proof.
Meanwhile, you want to show us videos of "The Word of God." A video of someone reciting the Bible doesn't prove the Bible is true. It just proves that the fact that someone has read it is true. If you wanted to show us video that proved the Bible itself is truth, it would have to contain images of things in the Bible happening. Not someone reading about them happening.
Okay, Chris, I'll make a deal with you. You show me a video of the actual creation of the earth, then pray for the pile of sand under my deck to turn into a human and I'll believe you.
any of us can go into a lab mix molecules and make a different insect.
I mixed up a sizable batch of insects just the other day. Ugly little boogers, and meaner than junkyard dogs. They can really lay a bite on you. I intend to turn them loose in fundy churches.
you have still done nothing to show a video of one species turning into another
A video is a set of similar recorded images , viewed in sequence such that changes between images are noticable.
Now, bear with me here. Consider the fossil record. Each fossil is, how shall we put it, kind of like a recorded image of the entity that formerly existed as part of, shall we say, an evolutionary sequence of intermediate changes in otherwise similar artefacts. Were we so inclined, these fossils could be viewed , and quite easily in sequence by visiting the catalogued and dated collections in various institutions.
Now, go back and read the first paragraph, then the second. Repeat a few times. Notice anything? (Hint for the terminally slow - look at the words in italics)
" have still done nothing to show a video of one species turning into another.. "
Ok I know regular VHS will record for 2 hours, Long play will do 4 hours and Extended play will do 6 hours.
So which setting records for several billion hours?
Videos are the worst sort of educational tool, suitable only for flabby-brained droolers.
Please do not ever expect to derive any real wisdom from a video. The dimension of higher thought simply does not exist with that medium. There's simply no time for it between the distractions.
Any evidence you want or need is available in print, in museums, etc. Commentary and analysis are available online at incredible levels of detail.
Dreaming does not constitute thinking. The bible or popular-opinion polls do not constitute research.
Isn't there a video somewhere of a rhino giving birth to a human?
Yeah, I make different insects in my lab all the time. I make beautiful women too, and then splice them together with insects so I get half-woman-half-insect. My little army is slowly growing and soon we will TAKE OVER THE WORLD! Bwahahahahahahahaha!
*gets dragged away to the padded cell
Evolution does not predict individuals changing into different animals. In fact, this is like me asking to see Jesus' corpse before I believe Christianity's claims. Rather than affirming, it would actually be evidence against the claim.
Plus, seeing as video recording equipment came a good millenia and a half after any of the Bible's passages, I can safely assume any video of anything which is in the Bible is a reconstruction . I can easily fake a video of an animal turning into something different; would that be evidence enough for you? Because it's on par with a Bible video in terms of "evidence".
I severely doubt you could "go into a lab mix molecules and make a different insect". Having participated in genetic engineering at the CSIRO as part of my education, I can safely assert you would have massive trouble trying to do such a thing. You would have no idea, just for example, what the lab equipment did, how to use it even if you knew its function, what to do with it even if you knew how, how to predict the resultsoutcome of your experiment even were you able to conduct one, and what that would even mean, given your inability to grasp the basics of either chemistry or biology. Just something simple - like breeding penicillin-resistant E. Coli, as I did - requires a good decade of knowledge in the back pocket (provided by the real geneticist who oversaw us), experience with, at the absolute minimum, karyotyping (I'm guessing you don't even know what it is), and thousands to millions of dollars worth of sophisticated machinery. You could no more do this than you could write an OS or perform a lumbar puncture, dipshit.
So, where's the video of God saying these words. We can show a video of someone describing the ToE.
As every species is an intermediate between yesterday and tomorrow, each birth is one species turning into another. Veeeery slowly, though, as it takes hundreds of generations before you really see any changes.
I also have a Quran, an Iliad, an Odyssey, a Poetic Edda and a book about Yggdrasil. How should I know which one to follow? They all have the exact same amount of evidence in favor of them.
What's the point? Even if we showed you a video of one species turning into another you'd STILL stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and scream, "Genesis is true! You're going to hell! I'm being persecuted!"
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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