Ted Baehr #fundie charismanews.com

“Neither the court, the state, the president, the Congress, nor even the voters have the right to legalize same-sex marriage,” Baehr says. “It violates the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which states that Congress can’t deny anyone the freedom to worship.

“Marriage and family are religious institutions ordained by God,” he adds. “And the civil government owes its existence the consent of the governed, not the other way around, in the tradition of the Magna Carta.

“Furthermore, since Samuel Rutherford wrote Lex, Rex, which clarified the rule of law posited by the Magna Carta, all of these forms of government have been under God’s law in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. When king or ruler is above the law, he often acts in imperious and dictatorial ways, for the very nature of power is to corrupt the powerful, unless it is restrained by God’s law. Constitutionally, therefore, the courts can’t tell any Jew, any Christian or any church or synagogue who can and cannot be married.”

Baehr notes that the idea to abolish marriage and the family comes from The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels, which produced such mass-murdering tyrants as Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Castro.



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