>>"Bible fact? Is that like dehydrated water?"<<
***Angel says: No, Jesus is the antithesis of dehydration.
A condensation is the removal of water; however, Jesus will bring a spring of water to all those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Something lacking in the world of today and the primary reason Christians are eagerly awaiting Jesus' return.
In truth the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Son align scientifically with Einstein's theory, E = mc^2
Einstein - One formula, three states.
Trinity, one Godhead, three separate and distinct entities. Each one interchangeable into the other.
Therefore, one scientific theory (E = mc^2) = one Godhead (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).
What is important to note in both cases that relate science to religion is ONE = THREE.
A condensation is the removal of water;
[kon-den-sey-shuh n, -duh n-]
1. the act of condensing; the state of being condensed.
2.the result of being made more compact or dense.
3.reduction of a book, speech, statement, or the like, to a shorter or terser form; abridgment.
4.a condensed form: Did you read the whole book or just a condensation?
5.a condensed mass.
6.(in nontechnical usage) condensate.
7.the act or process of reducing a gas or vapor to a liquid or solid form.
From what I can see, the only definition that might qualify for Angel is definition number 3.
Uh... that's one formula, two states and a physical constant. You can't swap matter and the speed of light around, that's utterly nonsensical. How would you turn matter into a speed? What would that even mean? What does any of this mean?
Proof positive that when your brain has been contaminated by Bible God rubbish you can't help but poe all over the shop. Even if you think that what you say is a sound agument, it is in fact the gibbering of a moron, unintentionally perhaps, poeing. In other words it is very difficult, if not impossible, to tell the difference between Bible God and a poe.
When desperate for a drink I need refreshing water, not the righteousness that Jesus brings.
"What is important to note in both cases that relate science to religion is ONE = THREE."
Misunderstanding science won't get you out of the conundrum behind the faulty logic of the holy trinity rationale.
"A condensation is the removal of water; however, Jesus will bring a spring of water to all those who hunger and thirst for righteousness."
And that's a bible fact.
(E=MC^2)=mutation, selection and time leads to the origin of kinds.
What is important to note that this is how retarded you sound.
"What is important to note in both cases that relate science to religion is ONE = THREE. "
What is important to note is in the real religion islam, ONE=ONE.
..."and the primary reason Christians are eagerly awaiting Jesus' return."
As I keep saying... it's Jesus's return. You can only end a word with s' if the s denotes a plural noun.
The rest of your post is just utter gibberish.
Theory of relativity. RELATIVITY.
Meaning, how these forces relate to each other or to define in better, a formula that expresses the natural forces relation to each other.
Y'know, when you idiots go off about a "perfect balance" in the Universe? It's these laws expressed by the Theory and it's equation that most the known Universe (but only most) falls under.
Not Daddy + Son + spirit are equal and together BUT separate.
And none of you whiz bang theology experts ever explained what the Hell that "Holy Ghost" shit represents besides overblown rhetoric. C'mon Jerry: What's the "Holy Ghost" aspect?
"Jesus will bring a spring of water to all those who hunger and thirst for righteousness"
Having watched "SPECTRE" very recently, this scene from the previous Daniel Craig Bond film "Quantum of Solace" springs to mind:
(*Car stops in middle of Atacama Desert, where it hasn't rained for centuries; nothing organic exists, not even at the cellular level ; throws Angel out of car. Chucks Angel can of motor oil *)
I bet you make it 20 miles before you consider drinking that.
(*Walks back to car; about to drive off *):
Goodbye, Mr. Angel.
As former SAS reservist, Chief Scout and survival expert Bear Grylls says, that the human body can survive up to three weeks without food, but only three days without water. THREE .
Bear Grylls is a Christian .
Piss off, Angel!
What in the f...
... This is, like, the most timecuboid thing I've read all month. For god's sake, no one teach Angel about Time Dilation, or we'll all DIE from laughter!
Think about it
God is water.
Solid, liquid, vapor.
Three states.
Heaven is obviously at the triple-point.
Hey, this can be fun.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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