[Talking about what happened to the dinosaurs]
Ken Ham, a brilliant christian scientist, has evidence of dino's in Ireland or Scottland(something like that)...Lockness. Refered to as the Lockness monster. It's fascinating, I think I'll do a research paper on it.
LOCH NESS is a lake in SCOTLAND you stupid dolt,
Ken Hamm is a crackpot with a degree in bible code and shoes, from some diploma mill.
And to do a research paper, you have to do research.
I don´t know which fascinates me more. One, to say that Ken Ham is a brilliant scientists(who has no degree in science whatsoever, only one in theology in a mock university), that there are dinosaurs in Ireland or Scottland and THIS IDIOT DOESN´T KNOW BUT SHE´S DOING A RESEARCH ON IT. Something like that, it tells it all. It´s Loch Ness, and THERE IS NOT PROOF OF ITS EXISTENCE. IT´S A FUCKING MYTH.
See at first I thought Tiffany had never heard of the Loch Ness Monster by her post, but I think differently now. You just don't give a damn whether your spelling or Geography is even correct do you?! My hell if you'd even read a book on the Loch Ness Monster, or seen it mentioned in one of Hams books on the subject, you would know that the SCOTTISH word for Lake is spelled L-O-C-H!!!
What astounds me more is you were able to get out of the 3rd grade without knowing anything about any part of the United Kingdom!
You...I...Eh...IT BURNS!
Oh yeah, I'd love to actually see such a paper.
Yeah, I'd like to see it too. My guess is it'd be done in crayon.
Oh noes, not Nessie! Seriously though, that special on the Discovery Channel proved to me that the Loch Ness Monster is nothing but an underwater current, which flows opposite to the surface current, and likes to throw logs about. Sad, but true.
It's fascinating, I think I'll do a research paper on it.
And you'll get a big fat F for you "research" paper.
The Lock Ness Monster? If he has evidence of that I'd like to see it, because Nessie has eluded every attempt to be found.
But some other things to clear up: Nessie is a pleisiosaur, not a dinosaur. It's a marine reptile and if ceolocanth's escaped extinction then maybe they could have too. Also: KEN HAM IS NOT A SCIENTIST!!!
So, is Lockness the presence of locks, or the absence of keys?
Also Nessie is far from news and has been all but discredited by everyone but crazy pseudo scientists. Now Bigfoot, there's a cryptid with at least a little bit of credibility!
Even crediting the ludicrous assertion that Nessie exists, and is a plesiosaur, does nothing to disprove the theory of evolution.
Finding live specimens of animals once thought extinct only proves we were wrong about their extinction.
1. It's Loch Ness.
2. Plesiosaurs aren't dinosaurs.
3. Nessie generally isn't thought to be a plesiosaur anyways. That idea fell apart years ago.
4. There's nothing in the loch besides fish, otters, and the ocassional dolphin. There are no underground tunnels for something to hide or travel to the sea. Nessie does not exist.
"brilliant christian scientist"
Oxymoron if every I heard one, even without mentioning Ken Ham.
Also, I believe that's "Loch Ness" you're referring to, and "Scottland" was an advertising ploy for Scott toilet paper. Keep that in mind when you do that...research paper of yours.
Sorry Tiffles, but Ted Danson already did that, and destroyed ALL the evidence because he wanted to pork a scottish broad. (who appeared to not be eating all her fish suppers and deep fried mars bars like a good scottish lass should)
There's an excellent documentary by Polygram you might like to watch. Look for it in the Children's Section.
Ken Ham, a brilliant christian scientist...
Pfffft... bwahahahaha.
I think I'll do a research paper on it.
Yes, you do that. At the very least you will occupy yourself with something. Too bad it's a waste of time.
"I think I'll do a research paper on it."
I heartily encourage you to do that. At the very least, the internet won't have to put up with your stupidity for a while. Until it's finished, then we can laugh at you some more.
"Ken Ham, a brilliant christian scientist"- Too...stupid...it...hurts
"has evidence of dino's"- i thought u christiany types didnt beleive in dinos
"in Ireland or Scottland(something like that)...Lockness."- oh boy...a lack of geography skills wont help you here
"Refered to as the Lockness monster."- oh? hes just now talking about this myth?
"It's fascinating, I think I'll do a research paper on it."- oh goodie will this end up like my project to prove that you can be christian AND open minded? That failed horribly too
Brother Randy's response to the whole Loch Ness question;
"So, has Loch-Ness been disproven? No."
So on top of all his other knowledge, he now is in a position to set judgement on a matter that has been throughly debunked by trained researchers.
You guys have obviously not seen that Toyota Truck commercial. There is a very distinguished professor discussing this very topic, right on the shores of Loch Ness. Suddenly, a giant, dinosaur-like creature emerges from the water, grabs the truck, and pulls it under water. A short time later, the creature spits the truck out - back onto the shore. The creature then disappears back into the water.
That proves there is a dinosaur living in Loch Ness. They can't just make that stuff up to sell trucks, you know.
It's LOCH NESS you stupid shit.
Sigh, and even then, even though Nessie(s) haven't been found, several experiments have found large sub-aquatic phenomenon that could potentially be a Nessie...
But at least there is "evidence" for Nessie, even though there is none for... God?
Ken Ham's a scientist? When did that happen?
He has a bachelors' in environmental science and a diploma in education.
The rest of his degrees are honorary ones from diploma mills.
I want to believe in the exsistance of lake and sea monsters. I really do. Unfortunatly, until the day I set foot there and see one for myself, my belief remains....Agnostic, if you like.
If a Christian scientist is really Christian, he doesn't believe in Nessie, either.
"Ken Ham, a brilliant christian scientist"
I stopped reading there. Cirno possesses more intellect than Ken Ham and Kent Hovind combined.
Also, just in case nobody's familiar with the Touhou fandom, Cirno's an idiot ice fairy.
Point is, Calling Ken Ham a scientist is like calling a laptop a banana.
Tiffany09, to be dimwitted AND stupid is no good combination.
Ken Ham is neither brilliant nor a scientist.
Loch Ness is in Scotland.
There is no evidence for the existence of Nessie.
The legend of Nessie is much older than Ken Ham.
Your paper is bound to fail, utterly.
Have a nice day!
You are going to make such an ass of yourself, I can hardly contain myself. Please post your so-called research paper somewhere that we can see it.
Hell, just the fact that you think the perfectly-named Ham is either brilliant or a scientist is enough to get me licking my chops in anticipation, and when you've finished with Lockness you might consider the yeti of Tobet.
"Ken Ham, a brilliant christian scientist, has evidence of dino's in Ireland"
"Lockness. Refered to as the Lockness monster. It's fascinating, I think I'll do a research paper on it."
If I were you, I'd do first grade Geography before writing said 'research paper' (written presumably on the absorbent kind that comes on a roll. Where Kent Hovind got his at Patriot Bible University; from the toilet cubicle, via the roll with the sign above saying 'Christian Education Degrees. Please Take One').
And one wonders why the state education system here in the UK emphasises thinking for yourself above all else?
Tiffany09 is the prime reason why 'hoemskuling' by fundies should be illegal. Worldwide (which would ensure even the Madrassas in Pakistan & Afghanistan would be run on purely Secular lines).
Kens so unqualified to speak on such things for one big reason: Only creationists think a prehistoric beast from millions of years ago having live decendants today disproves evolution in any way.
It's a creationist strawman, worse, they use it without any proof there is a large prehistoric creature that's gone mostly unchanged for this time. This is the caliber of their evidence, myth to prove myth, because their flock will grasp any straw no matter how lame
First, it's Loch Ness. Old Gaelic, it means Ness Lake.
Second, there is no evidence whatsoever that Loch Ness contains anything other then a dozen or so species of fish, let alone a massive sea monster.
Third, the evidence of dinosaurs in Ireland and Scotland are already well documented. It's called the iguanodon. First dinosaur identified. Kinda important.
F'r Darwin's sake, paleontology got it's start in frigging England.
It's fascinating, I think I'll do a research paper on it. You know, on the idiotic people that believe that the crap Ken Ham, Kent Hovind, and Ray Comfort are spouting has anything to do with science, other than denigrating, misrepresenting, and lying about it in an effort to replace it with religion.
"Ken Ham, a brilliant christian scientist"
Calling Ken Ham a scientist is an insult to legitimate scientists the world over. Ken Ham wouldn't recognize science even if bit him on the ass...
And to do a research paper, you have to do research.
Not in case you're a fundie. It such case you absolutely must NOT do any research (or you risk finding evidence that may contradict your faith).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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