Harper Lee, supposed non-communist jew author of To Kill a Mockingbird. Suspiciously never wrote another book. Her book became instant success, hyped by jew media. Instantly won Pulitzer prize.
It was an excellent book. She became a recluse after her success.
Also, Lee was not Jewish or lesbian. But you, on the other hand, are deluded.
Nope, thoroughly non-communist. And she has said, "I said what I wanted to say, and I don't want to say it again." And she had no public boy- or girlfriend.
So any more bullshit you want to shovel?
You should understand the average VNN members:
To Kill a Mockingbird is a book about how racism pervades a 1930s Southern juridical system in a case of alleged capital rape of a white woman by a black man, and the narration is in favor of the innocence of the black man.
They just can't assimilate the idea of equality between men.
Uh, Mr. Sanders, how do you know she was a Jewish lesbian & that her book was all the rage in Israel?
And your use of grammar is crappy again. It's "Jewish author" not "jew author" and "Jewish media" not "jew media". Why are you so stupid?
Now, repeat after me...."Jewish"...Jew-ISSHHHHH"
....yes...say it...easy sound to make ISH...ISHHHHHH...JEW-ISH....
Proper grammar, you bigots lack proper grammar. When describing someone as Jewish say they are JEWISH.
Also, how do you know Harper Lee is Jewish? How do you know she's gay? Why do you say these things? Likewise, your ilk say that Baptist Christian Bill Clinton & Irish Roman Catholic John Kerry are Jewish. Why do you do that? Can't accept that fellow white male Christians can be non-bigots?
Yes, writing a successful novel must involve some kind of conspiracy. How else could a book become popular? Certainly not by people reading it and liking it. That's just absurd.
The white supremacist bigots view To Kill a Mockingbird as anti-white. And also believe it advocates the raping of white women. Yep.
Yes, she must be a communist lesbian Jew because she wrote a book you don't like, assuming you can understand even one word of its message. Are you sure she wasn't Satan's daughter, while you're at it?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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