(Another retarded argument started by LoneBrainCell)
[Since he isn't replying anymore that means I won. ]
You think you won so. I let you think that until the Jugdement.
C'mon, guys, this is getting more and more like kicking a cripple.
Don't mock the afflicted.
Or at least wait for a decent amount of word salad to post.
So uh, on a website that's definitely got an anti-racist/sexist, etc. slant, do we really need to use words like "retarded" and "cripple"? I mean these people are obviously creeps, but maybe we should watch the ableist language.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
@Osiris: It's a nonsensical explanation of the prophecy of the statue of various materials prophecy, which, IIRC, called doom and gloom on the various conquering empires that held the jewish lands in antiquity. I can't say as I've ever seen it used for the raptard movement before.
Though what gets me is that they're going backwards- Instead of starting with the cheap but longlasting feet and getting more expensive and less durable as you go toward the head, this image goes from the head and goes to the feet.
@ Giga guess: It's the Nife! From Nerf!
As much as I hate this kind of attitude ("I can't in any way explain why I'm right, but I'll still insist blindly that that's the case"), I absolutely detest seeing LoneWolf's comments here. I think it should be pretty obvious why.
We need to stop fighting religion. I have a much better way.
We will render religions obsolete by manufacturing small blankets with the words, 'You're really the smartest, most awesome, most humble person in all the worlds even if nobody else thinks so' written on them.
Contact me if you want to invest in what's sure to be a huge business.
Jug Dement.
Hm, crazy for big boobs?
My god. LoneWolf is EVERYWHERE.He's on narutomania, Deviantart,XC forums,www.new,pwrshow,and here on fstdt. :(
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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