jjf1990 #fundie freejesus.net

Hetrosexual and others (peace,love and open sex from the 1950's to the late 70's) or called by some the sexual revolution is why God sent Aids to this world.

If you cannot deal with this fact from a bias or hatered againist God in the first place then you have more then likely fallen for the lies of the god of this world. And before somebody else starts whining about the little kids and babies who gets it, well the people who comitted all the "acts" over the past 50 years are the ones who caused the curse and they will be the ones who has to answer for all the innocent!

Blood on your hands from sin carry a long ways sometimes!

BTW If God didn't send the Aids virus it would be worse. Think for a moment of what vision do you have of what this country would be like if there was no aids to stop people from having the orgies of the past? The aids scare is what stopped it cold in it's track in both the Hetrosexual and all the other communities.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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