their was no death until adam and eve sinned, so evolution wouldn't be work, if God wanted to use evolution to create the world he couldhave, but you need to know God creates everything right the first time, so evolution is one big fat joke, u feel me dog
"God creates everything right the first time?" Well, by that logic, Islam is just as perfect as Christianity, both good and evil are important, the appendix never needs to be removed, and the rest of us are idiots. Like you.
Animals die too, did they sin too?. Plants die and many non-organic elements decay. Can you explain me how is it possible that an act of will from the humans can "affect" them?. Couldn't be that what the parabole means is that the act of sinning made them AWARE of the fact that they were going to die?
He did create evolution. Then why does the Earth (that he ceeated) have earthquakes, typhoons, monsoons, plate tectonics, disaterous droughts, etc.? And, no, I
won't feel you, dope.
P.S. Is english your second language?
If God creates everything right the first time, then why did he want to destroy things down the road? Remember the flood? Why did he need to separate people at Babble? Why did Adam and Eve go against his orders and still eat the apple? Why, so many times in the Bible, does God want to destroy people?
Holy begging the question, Batman!
Gee, do you think that if evolution were true (in contrast to the Bible), maybe there are OTHER parts of the Bible that aren't true as well? You know, considering that there is ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE for the crap you're citing?
If any deity created anything, it would be a fully comprehensive, autonomous, and opportunistic system. If performed in a suitably god-like fashion, it would have taken a fraction of a nanosecond. Everything evolved from that presumed zero point.
There's absolutely no evidence that a discrete supernatural entity has ever mucked about with the earth, other than in certain fairytale magic stories.
You proceed from the premise that the Bible is correct. That is wrong, provably wrong.
P.S. I do not feel you, nor do my dogs feel you.
u feel me dog
No, homes, I don't. And by the way, when you come across a sentence, let me know.
u feel me dog
Um, no thanks, I'd rather not if that's OK with you.
(Backs away, carefully not making eye contact).
Osiris, not sure what's meant in your post, but there have been mass extinctions before, up to about 95% I think...
u feel me dog
tickle me Elmo
shiver me timbers
No, evolution would ensure that species can adapt to new environments, which, considering the changing nature of the world, would make evolution much better than "getting it right the first time".
evolution is one big fat joke, u feel me dogevolution is one big fat joke, u feel me dog
evolution is one big fat joke, u feel me dog
evolution is one big fat joke, u feel me dog
evolution is one big fat joke, u feel me dog
evolution is one big fat joke, u feel me dog
evolution is one big fat joke, u feel me dog
thats all i got to say about that!
Get yourself a goddamned education, before I slap one into you!"",king.james.testament.was.william.shakespear.'t.mean.its.true
Okay, so Adam and Eve were the first humans, if that was true, why are there so many different physical types of people. Hell, look at eye color alone and notice that the average human dose not have enough genetic data to contain genes for all the colors of the human eye. Now look at inbreeding, inbreeding is a sure fire way to kill a populace. inbreeding breeds defects, for proof look at the old airisocrisy of Europe and how many disorders ran in the family. That is because royalty could only mate with other royalty. Ergo, cousin married cousin and their children had hemophilia.
Over 90% of everything that ever lived on this planet is gone. It's sad, but true.
A "perfect God" would have no mistakes left behind
"but you need to know God creates everything right the first time"
Which is why he drowned everyone, repented for having made them, and started all over.
"And the LORD God said, 'The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.'"
Genesis 3:22 (NIV)
Oh look, another bible thumper who has never read the damned thing.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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