Beautiful Feet #fundie

Like it or not, UFOs are going to be a part of newspaper headlines more and more in the years to come--possibly days to come. We will see more and more threads about these things on this board. We have had more articles on the subject this past week than what we have had during the past year. Some folks on Rapture Ready may not like the subject--but hey--it isn't going away. It is not ever going to go away. It is only going to get more and more and more intense.

...I have had family members and friends in the Air Force deal with this subject and have to treat it seriously. There have been serious mysterious manifestations that have concerned many of our pilots. Get out the tinfoil hats but it is a fact.

I prayed throughout my teenage years for God to show me the truth and I believe he has. These sightings are related to the last days and to the Great Delusion.

...What you are seeing are some of the darkest demonic forces to enter our dominion and it is no joke.

...Paul tells us to have an answer ready for our faith.

IMO, the answer isn't this is a joke. The answer is believe in Jesus Christ. He will give you eyes to see and ears to hear. The devil is about to release one of the greatest lies in history. Don't follow it. Don't follow dark angels.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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