Quite a different thing, and it's easy to see why
No difference at all, really. Except that one is a magic rabbit and the other is a amgic man.
God, as the creator of the universe, the alpha and the omega, is self-cointained and self-explanatory.
Saying something is self-explanatory doesn't mean it is.
He is the source of everything and thus nothing he does is impossible.
You have no basis for that claim other than what you read in a book. By that reasoning the same would have to apply to Odin, Ahura Mazda, Eru Illuvatar, Brahmin, and countless other fictional creator gods and creation myths.
A magical rabbit isn't
Why not?
Where does he get those magic powers?
Where does your "god" get it's magic powers?
What is the source of magic?
What is the source of your "god's" magic?
What is rabbit doing there anyway?
What is your "god" doing there anyway? How did your "god" come into existance? As you people are so fond of saying "everything must have a cause" so what is the cause of your "god"? Just parroting an old book of legends and tales that says your "god" just simply "Is" isn't going to cut it, I could find dozens of books just as old or older that make the exact same claims, and each one of them claiming to be the exclusive sorce of truth. They cannot all be right, but they can all be wrong.