Sola Awolaja #fundie
True Rapture Watcher Or Rapture Hater? You are claiming to be a true believer but you are still obsessed with worldly celebrities, politicians or superstars, worldly music/movies and worldly musicians/actors/actresses. You are very attached to your material acquisitions, power and worldly fame. You are idolizing your Black Berry phone, iPad or touch screen Smart- phone. You are not keen about evangelism and you are not an active soul winner for Jesus Christ. You have unforgiving spirit and no compassion for the poor or needy. You are a liar, covetous, malicious, greedy, selfish, proud, arrogant and still indulging in known or secret sins. You are still a masturbator, fornicator or adulterer/adulteress. You love pornography, worldly games, sports betting, lottery or casino gambling. In your mind, you wish that Jesus Christ can delay “Rapture” for another “50 years” due to your worldly attachment. You are not a true rapture watcher. You are a cold/lukewarm believer! Repent now!!! Don’t be left behind!