When God created Adam and Eve, they were fully developed human beings, capable of communication, society, and development (Genesis 2:19-25; 3:1-20; 4:1-12). It is almost entertaining the lengths evolutionary scientists go to prove the existence of prehistoric cavemen. They find a misshaped tooth in a cave and from that create a misshapen human being who lived in a cave and hunched over like an ape. There is no way that scientist can prove the existence of cavemen by a fossil. Evolutionary scientists simply have a theory and then they force the evidence to fit the theory. Adam and Eve were the first human beings ever created and were fully-evolved, intelligent, and upright.
No, you mean there is no way YOU can prove the existence of cavemen by a fossil.
Even if the existence of cavemen was asserted on no other evidence but one fossil, it would still be well beyond the Genesis account which is asserted with NO evidence.
Except, scientists have found a lot more then teeth, they've found skulls and leg bones and other bits from homonids that were obviously not modern humans but were midway between the other great apes and humans.
We have LOTS of fossils, we win.
Assertion: Adam and Eve were the first humans and they were fully formed, just like we are today.
Proof: I said so.
Color Commentary: It's funny that anyone thinks differently than I do, even if they have real proof.
Our chief proof is teeth...teeth and skulls...skulls and teeth....our two major proofs are skulls and teeth...and ruthless efficiency....our three major proofs are skulls, teeth, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to Darwin....our four ...no...amongst our proofs....amongst our major proofs...are such elements as skulls, teeth, and pelvises....I'll come in again.
(No, dude, I'm pretty sure we've got more than teeth.)
Well you know, you can believe whatever some long-dead semitic storyteller told the kids (embellished or otherwise corrupted over the millennia); or you can see what's actually been found, and learn how to put two and two together on your own account. It's called thinking...Oh, don't worry. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
Adam and Eve were the first human beings ever created and were fully-evolved, intelligent, and upright.
So even after all the belly-aching, you still admit that your fictitious Adam and Eve actually evolved. By the way, we do have fossils of prehistoric man. Look it up before you shoot your mouth off again.
Cavemen are this weeks fundie talking points, due to the new sit com no doubt.
Fundie 1: Oh no! There are cave men on prime time tv and they don't look like Christians!
Fundie 2: We must claim cavemen never existed, if we deny they existed then Adam & Eve must have been the first people.
Fundie 1: Brilliant, doubleplusgood!
Fundie 2: Great that's over, let's go score some coke & hookers!
Fundie 1: Praise Jeeeeesus!
"Is there an intelligent man or woman now in the world who believes in the Garden of Eden story? If you find any man who believes it, strike his forehead and you will hear an echo. Something is for rent."
Robert Ingersoll
.........."Orthodoxy", 1884
When God created Fred and Wilma, they were fully developed human beings, capable of communication, society, and development (Genesis 2:19-25; 3:1-20; 4:1-12). It is almost entertaining the lengths creation scientists go to prove the existence of modern Stone Age families.
@Tempus: I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition!
And there is no way guys like you can understand evolution. If we have to take the Genesis literarilly, can you explain to us how is it possible that snakes speak?, or that God condoned incest?, or that Caine found a wife?
Like, OMG! That is so exactly how it works!
I don't know if they were fully-evolved, intelligent and upright from the get go but once Adam figuered out Eve was naked, well, let's just say things were a bit more upright than before.
Sinning for Jesus.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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