Tamara Scott #fundie patheos.com
— those who come against Christianity want to destroy Christianity.
Our Founding Fathers created a Christian nation. We definitely have a Christian background. The Declaration of Independence. We celebrated it just July 4, and two days later, this city council is having an atheist come speak?! Can you imagine the men that sacrificed their families and their fortunes, and they mentioned not just several gods in the Declaration of Independence, but the one true God — four different times.
There’s no mistaking that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. And they did it because they knew what made better Christians made better citizens.
Because law only punishes crime but Christianity changes the heart and prevents it. And once you take those principles out, that’s when you start seeing what we’re seeing today, Jeff.
You see the Ferguson. You see the riots. You see the Antifa. You see the Resistance. And when you take away that heart of prevention, then government has to become more authoritarian and coercion—