the Bible will never be debunked, and let me give you one little story to prove it. You know the thing that we landed on the moon with? You remember the circular feet on the bottom of the landing gear? Ok, here's what they were for. The scientists at NASA designed those because the moon's surface has accumulated dust on its surface since almost after its existence. The scientists realized that if they landed the lunar whatever on the moon without these special "landing pads" that the ship would sink into the billions of years of moon dust they figured would be on the moon because of the billions of years that supposedly happened because of evolution. However, when the ship landed, only about six inches of moon dust was present on the surface, not 6-12 feet or more that they were expecting. Even using their own data, they figured the amount present could have only been about 6000years worth of moon dust, but out of those 6000 or so years, one day was missing. A Christian working at NASA remembered something he had read in his Bible earlier that week. The passage being referred to talks about a battle that the Israelites were going into, and God told Joshua, the Israelite's leader at the time, that as long as it was sunlight, He would give them power to win the battle. So Joshua asked God to hold the sun in the sky, and God agreed. God held the sun in the sky long enough for the Israelites to win, which was the span of one extra day. Given this story explains the missing day, the facts line up and the Bible is true and will NEVER be debunked.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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