There’s a big problem with trying to use the so-called “fossil record” to prove evolution. Actually there’s a TON of reasons— but here’s the short version.
1) The strata aren’t in order. And don’t give me any bullcrap about earthquakes or similar malarky. They aren’t in order now and there is no way in hell they ever were.
2) Barring mummification or other forms of human intervention, to create a fossil, 99.9% of the time the creature must be BURIED ALIVE.
The so-called fossil record was created during major catastrophes in the course of history. That’s why there are huge gaps. Thats why things aren’t in order, because the things that died in one catastrophe and were buried and created fossils were whatever happened to be in that area when it was time for that catastrophe to hit. Then the next catastrophe hit and another dozen or so so-called “layers” got laid down, and your bacteria end up on top of the dinosaurs.
Simple. Logical. And the scientists will never accept it, because they are way too stuck on stupid blind faith in their god of Evolution.
"There’s a big problem with trying to use the so-called “fossil record” to prove evolution. Actually there’s a TON of reasons
but here’s the short version.
1) The strata aren’t in order."
Not always. In some areas there have been upheavals which jumble the layers.
"And don’t give me any bullcrap about earthquakes or similar malarky."
I wouldn't think of giving you "bullcrap," but earthquakes, landslides and volcanos are not "bullcrap."
"They aren’t in order now and there is no way in hell they ever were."
What scholarly research papers are you basing you assertions upon? Go ahead, look them up, I'll wait.
"2) Barring mummification or other forms of human intervention, to create a fossil, 99.9% of the time the creature must be BURIED ALIVE."
Absolutely, patently and utterly false. Please provide citation from a peer-reviewed journal supporting your "buried alive" assertion and your "99.9%" statistic. Again, I'll wait.
"The so-called fossil record was created during major catastrophes in the course of history. That’s why there are huge gaps. Thats why things aren’t in order, because the things that died in one catastrophe and were buried and created fossils were whatever happened to be in that area when it was time for that catastrophe to hit.'
Didn't you just proclaim that those creatures turned into fossils had to be "buried alive?" No you say they died and were buried. Keep your silly story consistant, please.
"Then the next catastrophe hit and another dozen or so so-called “layers” got laid down, and your bacteria end up on top of the dinosaurs."
Indeed, in the eras of the dinosaurs there were many, many kinds of bacteria. To suggest otherwise would be folly.
"Simple. Logical. And the scientists will never accept it, because they are way too stuck on stupid blind faith in their god of Evolution."
No, it is indeed simple; simple in the mode of simple Simon.
Your assertions are NOT logical, they are fucktarded.
Science is not blind faith, in fact, it is the opposite of blind faith. Science requires evidence, good, solid evidence.
The ToE is not a god. You might want to consult a dictionary. Get someone to show you how the dictionary works and have them help you look up evolution and god.
1. No, most of the time the strata are in order. Every now and then, they get mixed up due to tectonic shifts, but things like that tend to leave evidence of their occurrence. There are plenty of places in the American West, for one, where different strata lie stacked on top of each other with each layer older than the one above it. The Grand Canyon is one such place.
2. While it is true that something usually has to be buried relatively quickly to become a fossil, given the countless millions of years the earth has been around (this has been verified by various radiometric dating techniques), there's plenty of time for floods, mud slides, volcanic ash flows, etc. with which to bury the prehistoric creatures.
1. True, in many places the neat organization of the strata has been disturbed by natural forces, but they aren't all that difficult to piece back together.
2. they don't. They just have to be buried relatively quickly. Not sure where you got the idea they had to be buried alive from.
sorry, but the fossiles were not created. In fact, they were used as amulets by the ignorants who didn´t know what they actually were. THEY WERE THE SCIENTIST THAT FORMULATED A THEORY AFTERWARDS. Second, the animal was not buried, as you know, the natural world has a lot of catastrophes which these animals COULD NOT PREVENT. And third, there are other methods APART FROM THE LAYERS and sorry if you don´t accept the theory of earthquakes and so. That it contradicts a book written by ignorants who didn´t know what an earthquake is in the first place or THE PERIOD OF A WOMAN, and you want to believe it, it´s your problem.
Gosh. I remember a time when there used to be these things called...what was it now?....oh yes, books! Other books, I mean, apart from the bible. When we were young, if we wanted to avoid looking like complete tits by opening our mouths and pontificating on subjects we actually knew nothing about, we'd get hold of these mysterious things (from a place called a library, I beleive) and make sure we had our facts straight. Why not give it a go? Surely that's better than going through life giving people the impression that you're a dimwit.
1. There is no "god" of evolution.
2. If you're so much smarter than those scientists then publish your brilliance in a respected scientific publication.
3. On average, the strata are in order.
4. Fossilization does dot require live burial. Fossils are created all the time, not just during "catastrophies".
There. Four reasons why you're an idiot.
You would think I would not continue to be so amazed at the utter bullshit these people spew, but I am. I read quotes like this and my jaw just drops. Seriously, can any of you fundies actually read anything? Have you ever once opened your mind to anything other than your bible (which I also wonder how many of you have actually read).?
If there is a God, then surely he will throw you in Hell just for the sin of not using the elegantly evolved brain human beings now have.
"The strata aren’t in order."
Right. The first strata were deposited on top, then the next one was deposited underneath it, then the next one was deposited below that, and the most recent layer is being deposited miles underground at the bottom of the geologic column even as we speak.
"and your bacteria end up on top of the dinosaurs."
Right. Because if evolution is true, bacteria would evolve into dinosaurs, and there would be no bacteria.
Now this is quote is a possible award winner. Its got all the elements: lack of understanding of basic science, incorrect "facts", weird claims, arrogance of assuming the poster knows far more than the scientists and anger the poster can't quite conceal.
Another thing to consider-
Among the mediums used for strata to be laid are the following:
1. Water. In this instance, as a river or other body of water flows along it picks up whatever sand or debris is in it. It slowly settles at the bottom, with the heaviest items filtering out first.
2. Wind. As with water, it takes whatever loose items it can get ahold of. And as with water, it drops them off in such a fashion that the heaviest goes down first.
3. Lava. When a volcano goes off, that molten rock flows through and covers everything in its path.
4. Collapses. Sometimes, you'll get avalanches and rockslides. It could be because the surface has eroded. Or it could be because some humans triggered it. Either way, it happens.
1, 2, and (to some extent) 4 not only occur naturally but also often occur w/o any sort of violent action.
However, in order for the strata to keep forming at least one of these four mediums (or anything else that can cause a strata) *must* happen on a consistent basis.
If a river changes course, there won't be any more settlement in the dried bed.
If the wind suddenly stops, the particles won't be blown around.
If the lava doesn't flow regularly, there will be large gaps.
If a collapse doesn't always happen, then years or even decades could pass by.
In other words, the lack of strata doesn't mean a single thing.
The strata aren’t in order. And don’t give me any bullcrap about earthquakes or similar malarky. They aren’t in order now and there is no way in hell they ever were.
[sarcasm]Boy, am I glad he cleared that up. Imagine, for 200 years geologists have had it completely wrong, and this guy comes along and overturns the entire of geology![/sarcasm]
I question his suggestion that the geologists got it wrong because of their stupid blind faith in their god of Evolution, though. The geologic column was worked out long before Darwin, mostly by (creationist) geologists looking for minerals and coal.
Mr. Huntington should stop being paranoid. It's surprising how little geologists care about disproving the Bible.
"god of evolution"? Do you mean Christ, Allah, Krishna or Deism. You know that some Biologists ARE believers... not that a diety is necesary to follow EVO DEVO...
so what point are you trying to make? Because scientists understand the strata a hell of a lot better than you cut and paste cretins.
2) Barring mummification or other forms of human intervention, to create a fossil, 99.9% of the time the creature must be BURIED ALIVE.
Right cause we all know as soon as a creature dies its body turns instantly to God dust and floats to the Pearly Gates. That's why the creature must be alive, to stop the escape of the God dust.
Bloody idiot. Get a clue before you spread stupidity
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