Gilad Atzmon #racist

Jewish Labour councillor Adam Langleben (@adamlangleben) is angry that his demands haven’t been promptly met.

“There is a member of the Labour Party in the constituency where I am a councillor,” Langleben told the JC. “She is an antisemite. I put in a complaint in July and to date no action has been taken. She continues to attend meetings and take part in street stalls. I believe in due process and I had hoped that my formal complaint would lead to a swift and speedy conclusion... But it has not.”

The Labour party is being blamed for not taking action against an active party member who ‘attends meetings and takes part in street stalls.’ The member in question runs a Twitter account called “GazaBoatConvoy”.

This Twitter account is known to many of us as an outspoken supporter of Palestine and an opponent of Zionism and Jewish power. So it is no surprise that Jewish councillor Langleben, a rabid pro Israel Labour (local) politician, is unhappy with GazaBoatConvoy. But he has a point, it is perplexing that the Labour party has been so slow to react. Considering its total domination by Jewish institutions as shown by the Labour party’s current purge, one would have expected GazaBoatConvoy to be booted back in July. Apparently, the Labour party is not doing its job very well. Although it was initially committed to working class politics, operating as a Jewish thought police and running kangaroo trials on a massive scale and on behalf of The Lobby has taken its toll. Seemingly, there are a few ethical Labour members still hanging on to their membership cards.

According to the Jewish councillor, GazaBoatConvoy describes itself as a Labour member who joined the party as part of its £3 membership offer in 2015 specifically to vote for Jeremy Corbyn. The convoy tweeted in April 2016 that “I want my £3 back. I thought Corbyn would rid Labour of Zionist occupation. Seems he buckled under Zio bullying”. As we can see, the Jewish councillor also wants to cleanse the miserable party of any sense of irony. Langleben told the JC that “what had angered him the most about this case..was that the person in question was ‘abusing the Palestinian cause’ to promote a ‘sick and twisted’ view of Jews.”

I wonder, is it really down to a pro Israel Jewish councillor with zero record of activity in support of Palestinians to determine what ‘serves’ the Palestinian cause? I am also not sure that a pro Israel Labour politician is an impartial judge of what is or what isn’t a ‘twisted view of the Jews.’ “There are millions of people who care about the Palestinians, and they go about that without being antisemitic. But there is a— narrow strain of pro-Palestinian activism which engages in the blatant antisemitism that we’d expect from the BNP or the Nazi party”.

This is a common mistake that must be addressed once and for all. If Labour Party’s values are ‘built on equality and social justice’ as the Party’s website insists, then the Party must depart from its Big Brother McCarthyite culture. If ‘Labour values’ mean anything at all, then the Party must reject Israel and Zionism. It must openly support Palestinian resistance and endorse the notion of absolute freedom of expression. At the moment, we see the complete opposite. The Labour Party has been reduced into an Orwellian grotesque. It demands each of its members to perform a total submission to a peculiar immoral foreign Zio-centric narrative.

I am not holding my breath. I do not see Corbyn as forceful enough to amend the situation and as far as I am aware, there are no members of the Labour Party who could push for an ethical transition of any sort. In its present incarnation, the Labour party has been hijacked by the interests of a tiny, yet influential foreign lobby. Bearing in mind Labour’s hopeless situation, I hereby offer a simple resolution for the current GazaBoatConvoy affair. I would suggest that the Party expel GazaBoatConvoy at once or better yet, exchange GazaBoatConvoy’ for the notorious Anti Zionist Zionist Tony Greenstein (cowboy) as he perfectly embodies Labour’s political duplicity and crypto Zionist affiliation.

Problem solved I guess—



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