I e-mailed Ralph;
==== ME ====
Why do you repeat old and long refuted creationist arguments? Did you bother to lookup refutations to your unoriginal nonsense? If not, then why not? Did you really think your (incorrect) thoughts were that original? If you did but chose not to publish those together with yours that would be intentionally misleading weak minded readers.
You can find refutations for most, if not all, your unoriginal arguments here; http://edge.org/conversation/36-arguments-for-the-existence-of-god
==== RALPH ====
Wow, proved wrong, well you might be surprised that you are wrong. It is just like global warming, you can find 'proof' on both sides by experts. So I reject your ASSUMPTION that this is settled fact, it isn't. There is plenty of proof that evolution is false, but you don't bother to check it out do you? I happen to have been taught evolution and have looked at the
evidence for your information and I reject the THEORY of evolution, Yep, it is a theory, not fact. But nice try.
==== ME ====
"It is just like global warming"
Correct; the only people that deny human driven climate change are religiots and corporate sponsored politicians catering to that voter base. Climate scientists agree on human driven climate change just like biologists agree on evolution. Naturally, climate scientists and
biologists can be religiots too but to pretend that it is a 50/50 split is just silly.
The "just a theory" nonsense shows you do not understand science. I've been reading that nonsense for years now. FYI; gravity is also "just a theory".
The same goes for your unoriginal blind watchmaker variation; another long refuted argument that shows you do not (want to) understand evolution or science.
So where is this "proof that evolution is false"? Religiots always make that claim but when asked for it they come up with the same unoriginal and long refuted arguments.
==== RALPH ====
You know I welcome discussion, but since you have decided to call me names, why should I even respond other than to tell you that I won't waste my time?
One last though you better hope us Religiots are wrong, otherwise you will answer to your creator for why you rejected Him.
==== ME ====
I don't want a discussion because religiots are unreasonable by definition (you have faith, you don't care about reason).
Naturally, your threats of punishment by imaginary entities do not scare me into believing. Did that work on you? Is that why you believe?
I conclude you simply cannot provide the "proof that evolution is false" and that you claim offense because it's an easy way out of that burden.
You will simply keep misleading weak minds with tired old nonsense even though you have been corrected on it.
==== RALPH ====
Good one, first you tell me you don't want a discussion and then accuse me of not having a discussion because I can't provide proof and accuse me of just being thin skinned about your name calling, and yet... you are the tolerant one, right? Write back if you like but I am finished.
==== ME ====
If you could provide the proof, you would have provided it. Discussions require reason, all you have is faith. I never claimed to tolerate such
weak minded stupidity.