Does anyone have to wonder why people are trying to leave Mexico in droves....instead of giving California back we should just annex Mexico and make it another state....this is my husbands crazy idea but it seems like a way to get their attention to get their own house in order. We could also live up to our name as an "imperialist" nation!
As a Canadian citizen, I take exception to accepting idiots like "clevermom". We'll take your deserters and your medicinal marijuana refugees, but I insist we draw the line at conservative fundie morons!
While annexing Mexico would neatly solve the immigration problem (since they wouldn't be immigrating anymore), there is the little matter of economics. THe Mexican economy is a wreck, even compared to ours. Annexing the country takes money, especially since we are already fighting a war halfway around the world. How could we finance this? If we did it, how could we make it worthwhile? Finally, why would we WANT to live up to our imperialist label? It is not a compliment, idiot.
You know what will be hilarious and ironic? America in 10 to 20 years won't have this kind of power to simply roll over anyone it wants to after years of mounting debt that never gets paid off, not to mention the crooked, monopolistic, pork-barreling military contracts it signs with companies that sell it overpriced garbage and services.
"Wasn't this attempted before? Incidentally, her husband's name is James K. Polk."
There was quite a fashion for military adventures in South America in the 19th century. Some things never change, eh?
"Wasn't this attempted before? Incidentally, her husband's name is James K. Polk."
There was quite a fashion for military adventures in South America in the 19th century. Some things never change, eh?
When we attacked Iraq, much of the world got pretty pissed off, but Iraq was a dictatorship and most Iraqis belonged to the same race that most of the current terrorists belong to. (Racism can influence us!) Mexico is not a dictatorship, and has no ties to anyone nasty, either real, imagined, or invented by BushCo.
We attacked a dictatorship, and much of the world hates us for it. If we did attack Mexico, out of pure imperialism, I think the world might strike back at us. There are a LOT of differences in the world, but if the US, the sole superpower, started attacking innocent democracies, some people would find a way to put aside differences and unite against a common enemy. Who would bet that attacking Mexico would mean fighting a much bigger war? Even now, the US couldn't fight off every other country!
Does anyone have to wonder why people are trying to leave Mexico in droves...
Maybe to find more jobs and have a better life in "the land of opportunity?"
instead of giving California back we should just annex Mexico and make it another state....
Yeah, we shouldn't have wasted our time stealing Texas and New Mexico. We should've taken the whole darn country, that's what! Never mind that in order to do that, we'll probably have to fight another war, world opinion of us will continue to deteriorate, the economy will undergo a massive upheaval, and the racists will scream with rage when the U.S. is turned into a bilingual English-Spanish speaking country.
this is my husbands crazy idea but it seems like a way to get their attention to get their own house in order.
At least you acknowledge that it's crazy, but your tacit acceptance is disheartening.
We could also live up to our name as an "imperialist" nation!
Imperialism is nothing to be proud of. Just visit Africa.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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