And SEX don't forget about the sexual aspect of DNA
It does not help because all individuals are receiving mutations.
It does however prevent evolution from changing one kind of creature into another.
That also falsifies atheistic origin science.
There are a huge number of proofs for evolution, but my favorite is bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Bacteria colonies can only build up a resistance to antibiotics through evolution.
It is important to note that in every colony of bacteria, there are a few tiny individuals naturally resistant to certain antibiotics. This is how humanity managed to survive the huge number of plagues we have experienced over the centuries and nothing to do with god.
When an antibiotic is applied, this first innoculation will kill most of the non-resistant bacteria, leaving behind only those few cells which happen to have the mutations necessary to resist the antibiotics. As the subsequent generations come and go, the resistant bacteria reproduce, forming a new colony where every member is resistant to the antibiotic. This is natural selection in action. The antibiotic is "selecting" for organisms which are resistant, and killing any that are not.
This experiement is conducted in every first year high school biology class.
"It does however prevent evolution from changing one kind of creature into another"
What does the Bible say about "kind?"
Genesis 6:20, "Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive."
Oh, so according to Genesis, a kind will reproduce after their own kind. Well, the ability to reproduce is one of the main characteristics of species. Two different species cannot reproduce, and the Bible says that the "kinds" reproduce. Therefore, according to the Bible, "kind" is synonymous with species.
Try again. A kind is a species according to the Bible, and speciation has been directly observed and documented.
It does help because all starships receive shield n utations.
It doesn't however prevent Borg attacks from changing one frequency to another.
This falsifies Federation starship science.
Makes far more sense, and is as fictional as the Bible. [/"Star Trek"]
> Time for the Wut pear?
Edit: ninja'd.
It does not help because all individuals are receiving mutations.
Yes, and some of those individuals will have mutations that increase the chance of survival, they will have more offspring and those mutations will eventually spread through the population over time. That is evolution.
It does however prevent evolution from changing one kind of creature into another.
See first point, and tell me why some whales have femurs then. Could it be that they had an ancestor with legs; an ancestor that was a different species, perhaps?
That also falsifies atheistic origin science.
In other words actual science as opposed to "Goddidit".
Lets see what Grumpy Cat thinks...
“And SEX don't forget about the sexual aspect of DNA”
My dad used to teach about chemistry by using ‘the sex life of the atom’ metaphor.
“It does not help because all individuals are receiving mutations.”
Well, yes. Each person probably has 30-40 mutations, gene sequences that did not come from either parent. it’s how biology works. So, stands to reason you’re probably getting at least half of mom’s and half of dad’s mutations.
“It does however prevent evolution from changing one kind of creature into another.”
Um, no… No, that’s how evolution WORKS. You transmit DNA to your kids, but imperfect replications of your DNA. Successful mutations are retained, and come to spread through the gene pool.
And if enough small changes accumulate, then we get speciation, and macroevolution.
“That also falsifies atheistic origin science.”
I’m afraid you’re under some misaprehension about what the science is.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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