Brian Wiggins #racist

But let's be clear. Whether the first colonizers in North America were Solutreans (most probably) from Spain and France, 20,000 years ago OR across the land bridge from the Bering Straits, 14,500 years ago, most native tribes were nomadic. They did not occupy Canada or the continent in a conventional sense. There were precious few permanent structures. There were no iron implements and no wheel. Natives mainly lived in tents or igloos. They were themselves "immigrants."

There was no civilization in North America. What the Europeans found in what is now Canada, or the United States for that matter, was not, in any other sense, competitive with that of Western Europe. Europe had Shakespeare, Descartes, Galileo, Michelangelo and Leonardo, agriculture, written languages, metallurgy and knitted fabrics and materials all of which were absent in North America when Columbus showed up.

It is also a lie that Europeans invaded an Indigenous "nation" or group of nations. The country was very sparsely populated and no native group or authority purported to govern anything larger than small itinerant bands, or to have borders or any concept of national space and jurisdiction. The claim of cultural genocide, or the concept of physical extermination, as in the labour camps of Eastern Europe from 1941-1944, is flat out fraudulent. Native bands and tribes were First No-Nations.

All that being said, Canada needs a genocide narrative as a founding legend in order to promote the dispossession of European Canadians. Natives, I would argue, have become useful idiots for the progressive, open borders/mass immigration lobby. Open immigration will not help Natives, Inuit or Metis and, in fact, native communities will be negatively impacted more than the majority population. "New" Canadians have no sense of obligation to native communities.

Nevertheless, the continued narrative of aboriginal victimhood enables the left to present the acceptance of multiculturalism as an act of atonement. We are required to open our borders as part of our sacred obligations as a Nation. A whole reparations industry has emerged in the past decades to provide financial restitution to the victims of federally-operated boarding schools for aboriginal children. Canadian "First No-Nations" people are more valuable to the left as abstractions than as individuals or a people. Feminists point to the Iroquois as an example of a functioning matriarchy; environmentalists, as a model of harmony with nature; and Marxists as an egalitarian utopia. These idealized visions seek to confuse us and disguise the truth. It’s all fraudulent.

The bands were not beacons of fraternity and equality. There were aristocracies and hierarchical social structures and some Pacific Coast tribes bound infants’ heads to develop elongated skulls and thereby set them apart from lower orders. In addition, there were head hunters and warfare was often for resources, territory and worse still, by the 19th Century, 15% of the population of the Pacific North West were slaves, mainly women and children (Jones, 2017). The tribes of the North West also liked to collect the body parts of their defeated foes as trophies, including heads and hands. It was a merciless, brutal and violent existence where lifespans rarely exceeded 35 years.

"Playing the Indian Card" refers to the reflexive habit of pro-"immigrationists" to remind us that "we are all immigrants — except our native peoples." It is intended to shut us up and smother dissent. Since our forefathers came as 'invaders,' we have no moral authority to oppose our own displacement. It tears away our moral authority to control our own borders. The end game is clear and it is simply to de-legitimize Europeans as founding peoples. But why are European settlers' displacement of natives perceived differently than their displacement of each other?

Indigenous groups suffer with significant problems including violence, spousal abuse, child abuse, missing women, alcoholism, drug addiction, diabetes, unemployment and suicide. We need to help them. We could start by providing their communities with safe, reliable drinking water. Before we let another single illegal or legal immigrant, for that matter, cross our border, let’s solve our problems at home. I would even consider an indigenous homeland; a new "Abronord."

Nevertheless, please remember, the next time someone challenges you, charging that Canada is not "your" homeland and that only native Canadians have a legitimate claim, thank them for playing the Indian card. The Solutreans were European. It is our homeland. Regardless, those itinerant bands we found in North America were savage and primitive by even our own standards at the time. When Europeans arrived in North America there existed No-Nations. Let’s give credit where credit is due, however. Many stood and fought, which is more than I can say for the paleface, today.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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