Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com
Ever since Russia's non-invasion and peaceful reunion with the overwhelmingly Russian peninsula of Crimea, several leading luminaries of the West's PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) have launched "Putin is like Hitler" accusations. From the big mouth of the Hildebeast:
"Now if this sounds familiar, it's what Hitler did back in the '30s."
From the gaping posterior of that useless royal eater, Prince Charles:
"And now Putin is doing just about the same as Hitler."
America's British poodle, David Cameron, yapped:
"We run the risk of repeating the mistakes made in Munich in '38 (appeasing Hitler). We cannot know what will happen next."
America's northern poodle, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (ex):
"We haven't seen this kind of behavior since the Second World War."
On Russia hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics, the faggy-ass Senator Lindsey Graham whined:
"If you could go back in time, would you have allowed Adolf Hitler to host the Olympics in Germany? To have the propaganda coup of inviting the world into Nazi Germany and putting on a false front?"
The ever-warmongering and certifiably insane Senator John McCain:
"If Putin is allowed to go into a sovereign nation on behalf of Russian-speaking people, this is the same thing that Hitler did prior to World War II. "
The diabolical global manipulator Zbigniew Brzezinski:
"(Putin is ) a partially comical imitation of Mussolini and a more menacing reminder of Hitler."
The bow-tied egghead sophist George Will:
"This is more than merely the fascist mind; its ethnic-cum-racial component makes it Hitlerian. Hence Putin is “unpredictable” only to those unfamiliar with the 1930s."
Adolf & Vlad got nothing handed to them.
Putin inherited a ransacked, poverty-stricken, demoralized and dying nation (in 2000). So did Hitler (in 1933).
Pre-Hitler Germans and pre-Putin Russians --- left starving and desperate by the International bankers (cough cough).
Putin stripped the Globalist Jewish Oligarchs of their power and privilege. So did Hitler.
Putin has defied the New World Order and condemned the sovereignty-killing model of what he terms, "the uni-polar world". So did Hitler, who openly referred to it as "the world conspiracy."
Putin turned the economy around in dramatic fashion. So did Hitler.
Amazing recoveries forgotten by history.
Putin rebuilt Russia's deteriorating military. So did Hitler.
Putin is a defender of traditional morality and Christianity. So was Hitler.
Both men understood that the greatness of a people is to be found in its morals and families.
Putin is admired by the overwhelming majority of his people (90%). So was Hitler (99%).
Putin is a man of high culture and refined intellect. So was Hitler.
Putin has been unjustly vilified by relentless western propaganda. So was Hitler.
The Piranha Press always attacks good men.
Putin is being relentlessly baited by western-backed puppet governments (Georgia, Ukraine, Baltic States). So was Hitler (Czechoslovakia, Poland).
Marshall Smigly of Poland and Poroshenko of Ukraine -- troublemakers emboldened by the UK & US.
Putin peacefully liberated ethnic Russians (Crimea) from the oppression of foreign governments. So did Hitler (Sudetenland).
The people of the Sudetenland and Crimea were overjoyed when they returned to their respective motherlands.
Putin has made every effort to preserve and promote peace. So did Hitler. ( It's true!)
Men of reason and culture --- not warmongers!
About the only difference between Putin and Hitler is that Putin has not been able to consolidate power and cleanse Russia's elite class of the traitors in their midst. Let's hope he can "purge" them soon and really become like Hitler.