FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

[...]I don't know whether they knew [Obamacare] would implode or not. They aren't even admitting it has now...well some of them are, but many aren't. One thing is certain, they knew that Hillary would finish the job of socialized medicine.

I don't understand how Americans don't look to other countries similar to ours (not small countries, that is entirely different)..and see the long wait times of a year or more. Many die waiting for treatment. Then some are denied treatment.

And once you have socialized medicine, you can't get out of it. That is where we are now. You are right that Obamacare is socialized, but not totally -- just enough so that they were able to get it through.

Yes, if you have private insurance you get to keep your insurance and keep your doctor -- unless your carrier is no longer in your state. And premiums rose in every state I think except one.

The argument of Jimmy Kimmel is ridiculous. If you are homeless and have a baby and the baby needs special care, the hospital takes that baby in and he gets the best care in the world. Kimmel will never address that point.

Also, I don't know about other states but here in California, illegals get pregnant and their doctor and hospital are totally paid for -- care for the baby is free for them -- and they get all types of freebies for the new baby. I talked with a girl about it and I said - how are you paying the hospital bill...it costs so much to have a baby and she told me it was totally free. She didn't believe me that we had to pay and most people have to pay. I think she thought I was making that up.

I remember when we had our babies a while back and you have the hospital day...and that is the day they want you to pay for 1/3 or 1/2 and they pretend it is about taking you on a tour. We couldn't believe how much it was. And people here illegally are getting it totally free. It is just so wrong. I don't remember what insurance we had back then...apparently we had to pay for pregnancy though. Also we had to pay the doctor of course. Since I wasn't going to be having babies all the time, probably we decided not to have pregnancy insurance unless something went wrong.

So Jimmy Kimmel is full of it. He has no idea what he is talking about.

He also won't address how many people are losing their policies. Nor will he address that health care will be rationed.

Yet, many people love and believe him. That's because they want to believe that it is actually free and they get something out of it.




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