“1. Atheists know nothing about what they don't know,’
That’s pretty much what ’don’t know’ means, yes.
“and they feel guilty enough to accuse those who know what atheists do not know.”
Guilty? Nah. There are things i don’t know and there are people way smarter than me. I’m okay with that.
I don’t accuse anyone of knowing what i don’t.
I DO point out the many flaws in some people’s arguments. You could use this to improve your arguments, or you can take it as a personal attack and remain ineffective.
"This only reveals a limited mind of not only atheists, but the atheistic scientists whose knowledge is limited to studying limited matter.”
Plenty of faithful scientists limit their study to matter and energy that can be replicated for peer review because that’s what science IS.
"Both seem to monopolize their own blogs”
Oh, NO! I monopolize the website that I alone own! Do you understand that ‘monopolize’ actually means?
“with accusations and guilt mongering.”
Pointing out that you’re making stupid arguments is not an accusation, especially if we show WHY it’s stupid. And i thought you said WE felt guilt, why would we be guilt-mongering?
“2. I suggest that believers in God give up meddling in the blogs of small mind atheists.”
Yes, stick to your safe spaces.
“There is just no room other than room enough for matter.”
Not true, but the option is for you to learn the actual science involved.
“The deceiver has put them here to waste our time to get on with the work of preparing for the completion of the Original Plan that God had in His mind before He created.”
Yes, the MOST POWERFUL BEING IN THE UNIVERSE needs your help to finish his latest project.
“3. Atheists are, after all, and from the beginning, broods of the deceiver.”
Well, in the BEGINNING i was of the Faithful.
People like you who had no time for my questions, either the details or the audacity of asking questions drove me out.
“Why bother with them?”
Feel the Christain love, there.
People who know more than you on a subject aren’t worth…(checks notes)…saving from eternal torment. More likely you hope we suffer eternally, just for arguing with you.
"They are wasting God's time,”
No, you humble servant, we’re wasting YOUR time.
“which makes them very happy. That is their happiness in life.”
Frankly, no. This is just you being a strawman-spewing asshole.