Atheism is perfectly legal in America today. The problem with most Atheist is they only want to harass the honorable people of faith. As you know they therefore are just activist seeking attention that they didn't receive through a good faith based family structure. So, as I stated earlier an Atheist is just a loon for all intense and purpose in the eyes of the other 91% who do believe in religion.
I received a fairly good faith based family structure growing up. And in my experience, it's the religious who do the harassing. When was the last time you saw atheists going door-to-door handing out copies of works by Hitchens, Harris, or Dawkins?
These days, the majority of atheists in America were formerly religious, many of them evangelicals. The only thing that will turn a Christian into an atheist faster than "a good, faith based family structure" is open-minded Bible study.
"Atheism is perfectly legal in America today."
And has been since its inception.
"So, as I stated earlier an Atheist is just a loon for all intense and purpose in the eyes of the other 91% who do believe in religion."
D+, revise and rewrite.
"The problem with most Atheist is they only want to harass the honorable people of faith."
Honorable people of faith? You mean all the ones that keep showing up in the news for various scandals?
"As you know they therefore are just activist seeking attention that they didn't receive through a good faith based family structure."
Attention is the last thing that I want. I'd prefer that you, people like you, and most people in general to just leave me the hell alone.
"So, as I stated earlier an Atheist is just a loon for all intense and purpose in the eyes of the other 91% who do believe in religion."
How do you think we view all of you when you implore your invisible friend to do special favors for you and call it "prayer"?
And those 91% are loons in the eyes of each other, as they believe in the WRONG kind of deity.
I don't go around telling people I'm an atheist. To Superman, Sweden is probably all secular and atheist anyway, but many people here consider themselves Christian, without being active about it. I respect other people's faith, as long as they respect my lack of faith. I've had interesting discussions with Muslims and Christians at the same time, and we all respected each other, and were genuinely interested in each others' religions or lack thereof.
Christianity is perfectly legal in America today. The problem with most Christians is that they only want to harass the honorable people of no faith. As you know, they therefore are just activists seeking attention that they didn't receive through a good evidence-based family structure. So, as I stated earlier a Christian is just a loon for all intents and purposes in the eyes of the rest of the population who don't believe in their religion.
I can make wide generalizations too, you know.
We want to harass people of faith? We're not the ones knocking on people's doors on Saturday morning wanting to discuss religion. And I received plenty of attention in a faith-based family structure.
Also, I'm not really offended at being called a loon by people who believe in talking snakes, magic fruit, and magical Jewish zombies.
As a former Methodist member of the choir that went to church almost EVERY Sunday until I was 18, I'd just like to say, your alleged argument is bullcrap. Furthermore, since I'm not the guy eating a God made of crackers and wine, ... and parlor tricks, and flim-flam scams, I'd be careful whom I called a loon if I were you.
Fundieism is perfectly legal in America today. The problem with all fundies is they want to force their 'faith' on those who don't want it. As you know, they therefore are just babies throwing their rattle out of their pram, seeking attention that can never be justified. So as I stated earlier - and in the eyes of all those who base their mindset on logic, facts & reason - in technical terminology...
...a Fundie is a loon . [/"The Terminator"]
"Atheism is perfectly legal in America today"
- When was atheism ever illegal?
"The problem with most Atheist is they only want to harass the honorable people of faith. "
- What is the justification for such a momumental generalisation?.
"they therefore are just activist seeking attention that they didn't receive through a good faith based family structure. "
- Does 'good family structure' include divorce, which is rampant among fundies?
"Atheism is perfectly legal in America today"
- When was atheism ever illegal?
"The problem with most Atheist is they only want to harass the honorable people of faith. "
- What is the justification for such a momumental generalisation?.
"they therefore are just activist seeking attention that they didn't receive through a good faith based family structure. "
- Does 'good family structure' include divorce, which is rampant among fundies?
Yes I'm an atheist because daddy didn't love me. Oh wait I have a very close and loving family, was raised Christian and I'm an only child.
Well there goes that theory.
The problem with most Atheist is they only want to harass the honorable people of faith.
No, they just want to harass people who try to get their faith into our laws and classrooms - of which there are hundreds of examples. The only people who get harassed are the ones trying to push their religion onto everyone else. If you push someone, don't complain if they push back.
You lost your right to free speech when you said "for all intense [sic] and purpose [sic] ". Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Go away and never disgrace any public forum with your presence again.
(I love how that pissed me off more than the rest of the quote...)
"So, as I stated earlier an Atheist is just a loon for all intense and purpose in the eyes of the other 91% who do believe in religion."
Wow, that really hurts coming from someone who believes the first man is made from dirt, a snake talked, a world-wide flood happened, and that a man came back to life with no evidence outside of a book that is shown to contradict reality. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a new irony meter.
Of course atheism is legal in America, the US constitution forbids the restriction of the free exercise of religion, including not having any religion. As for harassment, if you can give me any evidence of atheists going door to door, shouting and people on the streets, or any other fuck-wittery you religious people do I might consider your argument.
The problem with most Atheist is they only want to harass the honorable people of faith
Yup, those atheists are really a pain in the ass:
The 91% of people who believe in religion are either indoctrinated from birth, scared into the belief system, afraid of death, or feel like believing in a sky fairy gives their life some sort of fucked up "meaning". Usually it's a bit of all these reasons that cause people to blindly have faith.
More Superman: "I don't need a dictionary with all you edumacted mental geniuses. Common sense will always trump book smarts!?!! Same as in business ... if you need an accountant you hire one, need a secretary to type grammatically correct you hire one, need an attorney to represent you then you hire one, need grunt general labor then you hire a college graduate who didn't have enough common sense to get a degree he could make a living with. Boo-yah!"
"It's not that I don't understand religion. In fact I "don't like" religion. I do love my God and his son Jesus Christ I do believe is my savior. I am sure this is hard for you to understand so I will briefly explain my feeling about religion. Religion is nothing more then politics divided that millions have died trying to put forth their religious views. One's love of God has nothing to do with what religion you are. So, I served you the ball so you can make some kind of valid contribution instead of trolling all over Amazon's blogs casting disparaging remarks at good people. You post hate everywhere on Amazon... you are the 125lb internet tough guy sitting behind a $50 monitor spewing hate. Kind of funny actually that you think anyone cares"
"You're edumication only qualifies you to be a general labor in my nationwide building company. Sad how one thinks an edumication makes them superior to everyone else. I am here to tell you that God created everyone equal! It's how you use what you're creator endowed you with that makes you a successful person in life or thought of as a fool. Draw you're own conclusion"
Your argument proceeds flawed from the start.
1. You can't possibly know what most atheists want.
2. You assume atheists want to harass people.
3. You assume either that atheist only want to honorable religious people, leaving the dishonorable alone, or that all people of faith are honorable neither of which are at all likely to be true.
4. When one has a point to make, seeking attention is not a bad move.
5. You assume most atheists are attention seeking atheists because their families were not "good" religious families. And, it appears you elected yourself to be the judge of what is a "good" family.
6. You deem all atheists are insane in the eyes of those deluded by religion, but atheists are the ones who don't believe in talking snakes, original sin, heaven/hell and salvation through belief.
Pretty damn weak, Superman.
More Superman: "So, you believe America isn't a Christian Nation? Okay, explain away why America's pledge allegiance clearly says "one nation under God". Perhaps this is this just an old hillbilly song written by a bunch of dumb farmer's a few hundred years ago? Maybe you would like to further make my point your that you're an "attention seeking troll" by trying to explain why every city, state and federal building says "In God We Trust" along with the US Currency clearly stating the same."
"Is Darwin's theory of evolution going to be put forth next as factual proof that America couldn't be "one nation under God?" This is to easy with you edumicated know nothings!
Trust me .. you're grammar skills don't impress me nor would they compel me to hire you to any position higher then general labor in my nation wide company. My father dropped out of school in the 10th grade and built a nation wide company that employs 1,000's of people with his common sense skills. I did get a college business degree before I built my nation wide company. Again let me be clear .. edumication means nothing to me. You wasted you're money"
"It would be nice if you "edumicated know nothings" could just admit you wasted you're money. Most of the successful people in life I have met have been of modest edumication. Teaching to a test has no use in teaching one to have a creative mind. This is why America is being left in the dust is that edumicated people think teaching children to a test is going to prepare them to be creative and prosperous. In fact this leads to nothing more then "edumicated know nothings" who at best have good grammar skills and are qualified to do general labor. A good edumication means nothing to me if you have no creative talent nor common sense."
And more Superman:
"Seems to be a Christian nation to me. I will let you " edumicated know nothing Godless trolls" keep trying to find a factual basis as to why America isn't a christian nation. Do you wear pointed hats and sheets to you're atheist get together? Or, are you just "edumicated know nothing Godless trolls" who have no life. This is really entertaining to see you trolls try and desecrate good God fearing American citizens. Nobody has answered my few basic question about paying your student loans off, will you leave this debt to your heirs and my biggest observation that you're edumication only qualifies you to be a general labor. Jesus was a carpenter"
"Can you prove you're lies?"
"Atheism is perfectly legal in America today."
This, as far as I can see, is the only true sentence in the entire post.
Ah yes, the old "Everything I don't agree with is the result of a family breakdown" canard. I have mentioned with all the God-approved rape, slavery, child abuse, parent-child pimping, and abandonment in the Bible it must be the absoloutely worst parenting guide available haven't I?
The problem with most Atheist is they only want to harass the honorable people of faith.
Actually, most of us (and it's atheists by the way. There are more than one of us) don't have any difficulty with the honorable people of faith.
an Atheist is just a loon for all intense and purpose
At least we can spell.
"Fundamentalism is perfectly legal in America today. The problem with most Fundies is they only want to harass everyone else. As you know they therefore are just activist seeking attention that they didn't receive through a non-fundamentalist upbringing. So, as I stated earlier a Fundie is just a loon for all intense and purpose in the eyes of the other 91% who aren't."
No atheist has ever burned me for witchcraft, or told me who I can/cannot marry, or executed me for loving who I want, or slaughtered every last man, woman and child in my town for being Muslims, or persistently showed up at my house to preach and insult my beliefs, or keyed and spraypainted my car for being non-Christian, or nonchalantly informed me I'd burn in Hell, or oppressed women I know for ONE thing that ONE woman supposedly did THOUSANDS OF YEARS ago, or opposed technologies that could cure my horrible disease/genetic defect and avert death/agony, or tortured me for identifying with a slightly different flavour of belief, or used atheism to justify enslaving me, or...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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