"I've long felt that a lot of the force behind many Atheist's professed Lack of Faith is a desperate need to duck out of any post-mortem reckoning."
Or a combination of the fact that there's no way any "loving" God could seriously hold his children to the level of purity you guys seem to think he desires, and a lack of any real evidence of his existence.
"So many of the swine spend their lives actively promoting urban poverty (by dumbing down urban schools)"
So sayeth a member of the ones who seem to want all schooling reduced to "Goddidit."
"...sexual incontinence..."
I have no idea what you, mean, but I assume you are talking about promiscuity? Look. Kids are gonna do it. Just telling them no increases the taboo factor, and makes even more likely that they'll try it yet. We are the ones advocating that they should at least go into it educated, and informed of their options.
Your boogyman is losing it's potency.
Gay marriage. After you're done foaming at the mouth, we'll talk oppression.
Does your Holy Book not have instructions on how a slave should be properly treated? The average atheist has humanist ideals, or at least the average atheist I've met. All people are equal, in other words. Not at all conducive to slavery.
"...and mass murder..."
Those in glass houses should NOT throw stones. And I fail to see how a belief that denies any afterlife would make a person want to shorten another person's limited time on Earth any further.
"...that they must pray every night that there is no God .... because if there is, they are in BIG TROUBLE."
You know what? I live my life well. I help out those that need it. I treat others with dignity and respect. I try and be an all around nice guy. If that's not enough for God, if I have to turn into a blind, thoughtless zealot to appease him, I fail to see why I should worship him.