The purpose behind Halloween has not been lost. Human sacrifice, though substantially reduced through prayer, is still going on as well as the recruitment of many thousands of teens and young adults into witchcraft and satanism via Halloween parties.
Yes, Halloween glorifies Satan, who is evil. True Christians will not rationalize the sin of touching the unclean thing. They will instead, pray against it
Parents who send their children "out" to participate in Halloween dressed in any fashion--whether as a devil or as a saint are giving Satan and his demons permission to afflict and even indwell their children.
No, all wrong. Satan actually downplays membership in witch covens. Newbies are all-the-time asking 'when do we start casting spells?' just like new martial arts students ask 'when do we get to beat up bozos?'
When they join spells cast to 'center their spirit' and 'harmonize nature,' nothing flashy, no thunderclaps, and no visible results, they get disappointed and drift away. Satan loses the souls yet again.
Witchcraft is nothing like Harry Potter, same as Karate Studio After-School is not a Jackie Chan movie.
The purpose behind Halloween has not been lost.
It has to you.
dressed in any fashion
So should they dress unfashionably, or go naked?
whether as a devil or as a saint
How about if they go dressed as a True Christian, you know, frumpy, dowdy clothes,
flat heels for the women folk, frowny face, handful of bible and Chick tracts?
What about indoor Hallowe'en parties? Is Gawd against bobbing for apples? I've been
to hundreds of Hallowe'en parties, and have yet to see any sacrifices; human, child
or otherwise. No Satan glorifying, no touching of the "unclean thing"... damn, I'm
missing out on all the evil fun.
P.S. Happy Hallowe'en, everybody!
Oh goddamn it...
Why can't assholes like this stay away from my holiday? Aren't there other ones to target? Christmas took inspiration from pagan winter festivals, Easter borrows from the same for spring (hell, even the name), April Fools Day encourages deception, St. Patrick's Day is one of the heavier drinking days, you could say Valentine's Day celebrates or encourages fornication...
Please, pick on someone else's day. Take a frelling break from nailing Halloween. Hell, it has stronger Christian (specifically Catholic) roots than most non-saint days. If anything, you assholes should be encouraging it.
I'll bet someone TP'd your house after the neighborhood got sick of you handing out pamphlets, didn't they?
As for me, I'm planning on dredging through my collection of appropriate movies, putting out candy (probably even the full size stuff instead of those candy-ass "fun sized"), and maybe dressing up, depending.
Ow... Ow my brain...
Is it some sort of special talent to be that willfully ignorant? Does it really diminish the holiday that much for these people if it isn't purely their invention? If so, they suck at holidays. It's not like it really matters where this tradition or that one came from, so much as the meaning and spirit one ascribes to it. Just enjoy the damned celebration, take it however you see fit, and move the fuck on. Knowing the history shouldn't affect anything...
Sorry about that, but I thought that everyone should know about the other theories on why Christmas is one Dec.25 besides the pagan theory. Also, how was I being willfully ignorant? I done serval research. The sources that I posted suggest that there 2 or more theories on why Christmas is on Dec.25 beside that whole pagan theory thing. The sources I posted were not people pulling stuff out of their anus. Okay I did read that Christmas tree has a pagan origin though. Probably other Christmas traditions did, but the idea that Jesus was born on Dec.25 exist long before that Roman pagan holiday.
Now, that brings us to the Pagan holiday that did exist on December 25th. This holiday was introduced by Emperor Aurelian in AD 274, after the acceptance of December 25th being the day Christians celebrated the birth of Christ. As Tighe states:
“The pagan feast which the Emperor Aurelian instituted on that date in the year 274 was not only an effort to use the winter solstice to make a political statement, but also almost certainly an attempt to give a pagan significance to a date already of importance to Roman Christians
Thus the pagan origins of Christmas’ is a myth without historical substance.”
Anyway, you're right. I should celebrate the holiday no matter what. And happy Halloween.
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