All he [Hovind] was asking for [in his 'challenge'] is 1 (and just one) shread of proven evidence this science is correct. Of course it's impossible, because the theory is not correct.
Hovind's challenge is unwinnable by design, mostly because of shifted goalposts, a carefully crafted definition of "evolution," and a couple of other reasons I don't have time to explain. Doesn't matter now, because the ultimate winner of Hovind's money is the Internal Revenue Service, due to the former's tax evasion.
Evolution has nothing to do with the formation of the universe
One of Hovinds challenges was to prove god didn't have a hand in the creation of the universe or (Like it wasn't impossible already) that it couldn't have happened any other way. Cmon even creationist nutbars can't expect proof of everything else in the creation of the universe being wrong first before we even talk of evolution which has NOTHING to do with the Big Bang.
I don't even know why he made it so hard as he and his unnamed peers would decide any valdity.
This is a guy who thinks he can have a massive income and pay no taxes.Being rich he could write off most as expenses if he had a clue. But he didn't, pushed his Godwin theory of economics and got his ass handed to him.
Pompous weak-brained lying con-man
I'd have a lot more respect for Fundies if they didn't show us how they'll buy into so many stupid quarter-assed cons
This is a guy who thinks he can have a massive income and pay no taxes.Being rich he could write off most as expenses if he had a clue. But he didn't, pushed his Godwin theory of economics and got his ass handed to him.
Pompous weak-brained lying con-man
I'd have a lot more respect for Fundies if they didn't show us how they'll buy into so many stupid quarter-assed cons
The big bang theory or the evolution theory? I love how fundies get the two confused and think that one is false without the other.
The big bang theory is supported by evidence: if it is somehow proven wrong, then fundies still need to disprove all of these
The big bang also has nothing to do with evolution. Our dating methods are NOT flawed and trying to prove otherwise is like trying to carbon-date rocks - you're doing it wrong. The earth is still older than 6000 years.
It's impossible because Hovind is retarded and will not accept the ample amount of evidence already made readily available. That's all. The evidence that could be presented Hovind personally would be known in the scientific community at large beforehand, so if he denies the consensus and the evidence now, that will probably never change.
All he [Hovind] had to do was to enter "evolution" in a Wikipedia search, and he'd have more than enough evidence for evolution, if he was really looking for it.
You can't force people to accept reality; some people will always stay willfully ignorant. It's simply no use trying to argue with people like that.
“All he [Hovind] was asking for [in his 'challenge'] is 1 (and just one) shread of proven evidence this science is correct.”
Except he didn’t. He wants not only evidence of evolution, but evidence that the big bang happened and that the ONLY possible outcome of cosmology and bioloty was evolution would ONLY produce the exact world we have.
The ToE has nothing at all to say on the Big Bang Theory, and no one has said that evolution’s only possible outtcome is the world around us.
It’s a bogus challenge even aside from the fact he won’t identify his judges and is the only one to submit evidence to them.
More of a con job than science.
“ Of course it's impossible, because the theory is not correct.”
Feel free to prove this bullshit claim.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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