CaptainObvious #fundie

Become a fucking savage. Do you hate this modern world and the disgusting women it has shat out of its unholy womb?

Make yourself harder, meaner, stronger and more fucking ruthless than any white knight faggot could ever imagine.

Do women owe you anything? Does this shit hole of a modern progressive world owe us anything? Nope. Then we fucking OWE THEM NOTHING!

So give them your fucking middle finger and the spit out of your mouth. Mock them, bruise them, fucking shit all over them. Find like minded men estranged from this rancid cuntocracy and help light the fuse that burns this fucking shit to the goddamn ground.

More men are waking up. More are seeing that everything has been stolen from them and now we have absolutely NOTHING. Well do you know what that means? Now we are truly free and we have nothing to lose. We are on death ground and now it's time to wreak some fucking havoc. When you have nothing to lose you are the most dangerous fucking thing in this entire goddamn world.

Let the anger and the rage flow through you like fuel cascading down onto a righteous fire in your belly.

Train yourselves up in violent disciplines. Take no shit from anyone and be prepared to exact furious retribution on all transgressors. If you don't make them pay no one will. Fucking remember that shit goddamnit.

Most of all stop doing whatever you can think of that helps keep this unholy beast chugging along. Grab some gasoline and let's light a cigar as this motherfucker burns to the ground!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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