FatherGiryus #fundie orthodoxchristianity.net

Yes, there are examples of this from the 'Lives of the Saints.' But, do remember, that apparitions are 'tools,' not really 'presences.' A demon may manifest for his purposes, but God also make a demon manifest himself so that the person will be aware of the demon's activity. It is hard to say, and best left to the 'experts'... the great ascetics who daily battle in open warfare with Satan.

This is why the monks who take final vows wear the 'Great Schema.' It is covered with Scriptures, prayers, and symbols to fight the activities of demons.

Monks and nuns are in a constant battle. Like I said, we have our minor temptations, but we 'civilians' (myself included) have plenty of our own distractions. Those who give up the distractions of this world find themselves being distracted first by the flesh, then by the enemy.

It is a real war.

It is too bad that most of us graduate from seminary with no preparation for this battle, which is why so many priests here crash and burn. I could be next, so I would appreciate your prayers.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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