"After the death of Martin Luther King, the political left and the Democratic Party set out to institutionalize racism in American government and American law, and have been widly successful at achieving their malodorous objective. The result is that in America today whites and Asians are second-class citizens."
"The result is that in America today whites and Asians are second-class citizens."
............................................................................................................................................................................................you have no idea what it means to be a second-class citizen, do you?
Yeah, cos Congress hasn't got any white guys in it hardly at all, and the Rich List is just completely devoid of old honkies, innit.
Again with David Horowitz. Why do people still let this fucker have access to writing implements?
Whites are second-class citizens? Then explain why they make up over 90% of both houses in the national legislature. And Asians? Way to lump a giant group of diverse people together (and even then, as a whole, they're probably still better off than any other minority in the country). Reality doesn't back up your claims, as usual. So bugger off already and let us be.
Nice to see him bringing his racist asshole side out. Maybe now people will ignore his "academic bill of rights" twaddle.
(Basically he's trying to assert that university students have a right not to be offended or question their beliefs)
If only Nathan Bedford Forrest was alive to see what this country has become. All you niggers, spicks, kikes, hajis, fags, and enablers should be ashamed.
No David. It's just that some whites, and you are an example, place themselves outside of the mainstream of humanity. In fact, so far removed from humanity have you and they drifted, that you and they have become inhumane. This rather squalid and sordid little tribe of shambling ape-like creatures that habitually knuckle-drag and drool are also very vocal, raising an almighty din at the slightest opportunity,
>>"The result is that in America today whites and Asians are second-class citizens."
Wait a minute. There was a time when Asians weren't second-class citizens? Then, what the hell was all that stuff that happened to them in the US during the first half of the 1900's??
Considering all that, I'd say they're doing pretty well as a group. But I'm sure they still face discrimination in various places.
>>"Might I point out that David Horowitz is a Jew? And I think he's referring to affirmative action, which I don't support at all."
So? He's not incapable of being an asshole just because he's Jewish. And he's not necessarily going to know any more about discrimination than the next guy because he's Jewish, either. He himself probably didn't experience much of it, growing up in the States post WW2.
But you have no problem touching them with your pole, eh, Cowpie?
Sad that David Horowitz has fallen so far... I used to watch his "Fight Back" consumer show.
"All you niggers, spicks, kikes, hajis, fags, and enablers should be ashamed."
which statement is ample backing for this one:
"- in America today whites ... are second-class citizens.
Only if they're gay."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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