Now about evolution. It goes against logic. Let me ask you a question. If you were walking down the street and you found an fully functional computer just sitting there on the side of the path, what would you believe about it? Would you believe that it just happened by random chance or that it had a creator who not only designed it but built it? Of course you would know that someone designed it and built it, because it would be impossible for it to just appear by random chance.
Now go look in the mirror. Do you realize that what you see is a trillion times more complex than the most powerful computer man has ever made? Yet evolution would have you believe it (you) were not designed or built by anyone, you just happened by random chance. Not only are they claiming that one fully functioning computer happened by random chance but two did, since they were able to recreate themselves sexually and that takes two at least.
Oh wow. Nobody's ever put it like that before. Whatever was I thinking. Of course. There's no way to explain that.
Open a fucking book already. No, not that one!
I don't know about you, but I'd question why it was there, and if computers were unknown to me, I'd thoroughly question how it came into being, rather than just blindly accepting that it must be an example of how God created everything because it appears complex.
To be honest I'd expect human anatomy to be perfect if it was created by an intelligent designer, as some of it has no obvious function or is "flawed":
Explain these quirks if God is our creator Ralph. Prove to me that it is not an idiot.
OK, let’s for one moment assume that I would have never seen a computer in my life. I would start to examine it and see that quite a few parts are identical or as good as to other things I know have been designed and made by humans (and only by humans), i.e. screws, chips, circuit boards, LEDs, plugs, cables, etc. So I would conclude that this computer was also designed and built by humans.
Now show the same thing about biological entities and god.
Because a computer built from inorganic materials is exactly the same as living beings which self-reproduce and change over time.
BTW, who or what created God?
Ralph, we've seen this argument before. It's still stupid. Why don't you go and cross reference with Ray Comfort and Kent Hovind and then come back and see what newer, stupider things you have come up with?
"If you were walking down the street and you found an fully functional computer just sitting there on the side of the path, what would you believe about it?"
I'd believe that I've just scored a free computer.
Yes, but you believe that everything is created by god. Therefore, the watch computer is a computer sitting on a pile of computers in the middle of a pile of computers. How do you tell one intelligently designed thing from another?
And what would a non-intelligently designed universe look like?
Yet another creationist thinks natural selection = complex structures randomly falling together. Seriously, I have yet to debate a creationist and come away convinced that they have any understanding of evolutionary theory. Most of the "smart" ones, in fact, attack the idea of unguided evolution rather than contest the idea that evolution has happened at all.
One more time:
(1) You know how thousands of other computers came into existence so it is reasonable to infer that this one came into existence the same way.
(2) You can make no such inference about the earth's biosphere because it's the only biosphere we know about.
(3) You cannot make any inferences about biological objects based upon inanimate objects because inanimate objects do not reproduce. You can't put two big computers in a room and get a little computer.
It really isn't that hard to see why this argument is nonsense. Then again, if you were smart enough to see that it's nonsense you wouldn't be using as an argument in the first place.
"Of course you would know that someone designed it and built it, because it would be impossible for it to just appear by random chance."
But only because we know things about computers that we don't know about living organisms. We know that the materials that make up computers--plastics and refined metals, for example, don't exist in nature other than as the result of intelligent manufacture; we know that entities capable of creating computers actually exist; we know in wquisite detail exactly how the creators of computers realize their design--injection molding, photopriniting microchips. etc.
None of this is the case with respect to living organisms, so your "find a computer on the side of the path" is a false analogy.
A valid analogy would instead take some a form along the lines "You find a starfish in the ocean..."
Let me ask you something. If you were walking down the same street every day for a few million years and began to notice things growing in a patch of dirt that, over the course of those millions of years, began to take the rough shape of transistors, what would you believe about them? Would you believe that someone was purposefully building new, slightly different versions of these tiny, crude transistors every day over the course of millions of years without you ever once finding any evidence of said creator's presence? What if someone came to you one day with a book that they claimed could reveal the truth behind the transistors to you, but when you read it you found that it claimed the transistors just appeared over night as they are now when you already knew for a fact that they didn't? What if your analogy were fucking stupid from the get go because evolution doesn't claim that a single cell organism gave direct birth to a fully formed modern human?
We've had only a very short amount of time, geologically speaking, to make such great computers. The earth, to generate life, has had all of several billion years.
Additionally, computers cannot self-replicate... yet.
"And welcome ladies and gentlemen, to another episode of P.R.A.T.T.
(Previously refuted a thousand times)"
I would offer it is P.R.T.T.T (Previously refuted ten thousand times, or ten thousand times ten thousand times...)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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