1) Rotating Earth.
And this makes Earth different or special from other planets HOW?
2) The sun shining on the earth at just the right angle to produce life and enough energy.
Er, just because some life would be more sensitive to a different climate (and probably wouldn't have evolved in the first place), that doesn't mean that life would be impossible if Earth was rotated differently. Especially with resilient bacteria living at the bottom of the sea, which you know, may actually live in an area where geothermal energy from the core of the earth itself plays a larger role in their environment than a sun ever would.
Also, extra-terrestrial life would smash your claim more if it is found, but if it's not, it's not too big of a problem.
3) Just the right atmosphere needed for life.
Anarobic bacteria?
4) Plants breathe out what we breathe in.
As does anything that's photosynthetic. Did you know that plants also later respirate at night? Should I add that what we breathe in only 21% oxygen? Not that it's too bad a think, since combustion really sucks if you get in it's way.
Also, co-evolution.
5) A cell can't form in one spot and then migrate to every place on earth to fill it with cells.
Er. what about only needing to reproduce, evolve and possibly hitching a ride on another organism/water currents/air currents?
6) Ants can't do that either. How did ants get to different parts of the world?
Because...they don't need to physically traverse the difference themselves? It's like saying "how do trees spread their seeds if they have no legs?" It's so dumb that it barely deserves to be answered.
7) Just the right atmosphere for the earth to produce grass for the cows to eat.
So? And even if grass nor cows had survived to evolve because of different conditions, how would that make you point more valid.
Even if you were alive and cows went extinct long before human history was recorded, how the hell would you know the difference, except for fossils found? Oh wait, fossils are for evil evolutionists!
8) How did grass grow first? I don't see grass on any other planets. Hmmm. Thank God for that sun.
Could that be because that the conditions aren't right for grass to grow? And how would that validate your point? Besides the fact that many grasses aren't that hardy to extremely harsh conditions, how does "no grass" mean no life? I'm pretty sure that ancient bacterium gave two shits about grass. Hell there's probably quite a few organisms that would get along just fine if they never saw grass. You know like those penguins that live on ice?
9) The miracle of childbirth. It can't just evolve like that.
Oh yeah, the "miracle" of a messy, painful process that produces an assortment of people.
Yeah, let me tell you. Those babies born with a crippling genetic defect are obviously the work of a loving god! Silly me to think otherwise.
10) The sun stays in the sky instead of falling down. Gravity should be pulling it down but it just stays right up there. Hmmmm...interesting.
You truly do not understand gravity. Or the distance that the Sun is from the Earth.
If gravity worked that way, wouldn't it make more sense that we'd all fall into the sun, since it's a LOT more massive and therefore has a greater gravitational effect?
This level of understanding reeks of the same scent of the line of reasoning that "if the Earth is rotating, why aren't we flung off?" argument.
11) We are smart. If we share a common ancestor with monkeys, I found it remarkable that we are so smart and they are so dumb. How did we get so smart?
Well, ignoring the fact that many primates have the capacity for learning/tool making and the like (as do many species across the animal kingdom)...er...LANGUAGE?
We're only "so smart" because we have developed a way to store information tangibly (along with oral retellings, although those aren't necessarily reliable) so that later generations could build upon what we already know.
Remove from a group of people from the modern society and conveniences that they know, and all knowledge of such convenience (and do it when they're young, so they don't have a chance to be aware of such things, and we'll see how much smarter they are than the other animals.
Wow, what a long post. I just had to bite into it because it's fun to take this shit down bit by bit.