watchman_2 #fundie

Fact No. 1 - God's existence can be proven. Life exists; therefore, God exists.

There are only two possibilities for life, evolution or God. Evolution, having been proven false, leaves the only other possibility for life -- God.

Fact No. 2 - Evolutionism is every bit a religion as any other religion. In fact, you were participating in the debate as evolutionism was proven to be a cult.

Fact No. 3 - Evolutionism is not based upon science. The theory takes underlying scientific discoveries and combines poor exegesis to postulate that all life originated from bacterium, which, itself, originated from a bolt of lightning into the primordial soup of chemicals. Yet, there is no observeable evidence to support such postulation nor can scientists duplicate the process in any means.

Fact No. 4 - Science has proven evolution false. The process of genus/species change has been labeled 'natural selection'. It has been proven that extinction would be impossible if 'natural selection' were true since all precursor species, including the bacterium, would also have to be extinct as well.

Fact No. 5 - Evolutionism is driven by the socialist left. Scientists know that evolution is an unproven theory. Yet, evolutionists refuse to acknowledge that it would be proper to teach the theory of evolution along side creation in public schools. Such a position is not scientific, but is driven by the leftists' hatred of Christianity and the religious right.



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