Rabbi Lazer Brody #fundie breslev.co.il

The Torah is a timeless template for posterity. Whenever the masses seize power, the result is horrifying. Here in Israel, the rule of the ignorant masses - even those who have kippot on their heads - has led to a statutory and legislative uprooting of Torah values, Heaven forbid. These are the erev rav and those who partner with them. They are easily recognized by their readiness to trample the sanctity of the Sabbath, the institution of marriage, the conversion laws and Torah learning in the Land of Israel. They scoff at our people's spiritual leadership. Their true motivation is to give a free reign to their base urges and appetites; not only that, but to legitimize them with legislation. As in the time of the Golden Calf, even decent people are afraid of speaking up against what's "politically correct". "Political correctness" is none other than the muscling of the ignorant masses by way of the erev rav's control of media, legislative and judicial organs. It's not truth - Torah is.



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