Why do liberals cite Exo 20:13 "thou shalt not kill" saying that we should not have things like the death penalty while at the same time they support the murder of children through abortion?
The word in Exodus translates as "murder." Murder is by definition the illegal taking of a human life. Which makes execution and abortion both not murder, pretty much. As far as the bible, which fundamentalists are going by, it doesn't specifically prohibit abortion but the evidence against it is pretty strong. Whereas with execution, Romans is pretty clear that the government does (or should) have the power to execute people who commit heinous crimes. Such as taking an innocent life. Biblically speaking, being anti-abortion and pro-death-penalty are not hypocritical. Of course there are many other hypocrisies, that just isn't one of them.
Anti-nonsense, a blastocyst isn't even implanted yet. It's dishonest to pretend that is what is eliminated in an abortion.
Thank you, Skeptical. I'm pretty tired of having to defend my pro-life/ pro-capital punishment stances and being treated like a hypocrite simply because fundies agree with me in the strictest sense of the word.
I believe that the death penalty is just. I believe if a person commits a crime heinous enough to be convicted of a capital crime, they should be put to death. I also believe that abortion is a horrible thing. Those beliefs are not contradictory, and I'd appreciate if I weren't painted with Bro. Randy's brush.
Depending on how you define "abortion," and depending on how soon you perform said act, it's possible that you could be eliminating a blastocyst or a very young embryo, which is in essence not much different from a blastocyst.
I don't consider abortion immoral until the fetus can feel pain, and even then it should be allowed under extreme circumstances, with as much finesse and care as possible to reduce trauma to the fetus. People need to stop thinking in absolutes.
@ TheMissus,
You're one of my favorite fundie-pwnz0rz, but I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. I think abortion and capital punishment are both murder. However, I can respect you and respect your views, but Randy here seems to think that one's political views define who one is as a person. This is entirely not true. I am a Socialist as well as what most would call a liberal, and I really don't much care for the types who accuse me of "supporting the murder of children." Randy, you need to paint with a broader brush!
20:13 gets cited, Randy, because that's the same verse you use to justify your anti-abortion stance. And as pointed out, the word is "murder" and not kill - abortion is not murder, not in a legal sense, and not even in a medical sense because it is the "intentional taking of a human life" - and blastocytes are usually not considered "human life" except specifically by you fundies. On the other hand, the death penalty could very well be considered "murder" because that IS the "intentional taking of a human life." You either have to wiggle your way out of that by saying either a) the government can commit murder legally, or b) criminals aren't human. Take your pick.
Preventing someone from being born, murdering someone, and executing a condemned prisoner are three different things.
There, I said it.
Wet Walnuts (formerly JaredM)
Why do neo-cons cite Exodus 20:13 "thou shalt not kill" saying that we should not have things like abortion and euthanasia of braindead patients on life support, while at the same time they support the killing of children through war, the torture of prisoners in Guantánamo, and the execution of murderers?
Mirror, mirror...
Jezebel, women die from legal abortion too. In fact, the year after Roe v Wade was passed, the number of deaths caused by abortion went up. Possibly because there were more performed. All surgery carries risks, and one of those risks is death. I'm not using this as an anti-abortion argument, just saying there have always been serious risks.
Why doesn't the Bro read a few verses down to Exo. 21:22: If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.
In other words, if you injure a woman and she miscarries, you have to pay the woman's husband for the loss of the baby- just as you would if you killed one of his sheep.
In any event, is the Bro suggesting that the right to abortion means he doesn't have to obey Exo 20:13 with regard to the death penaly either?
Citing that particular commandment in the form "thou shalt not kill" is so vague as to be utterly useless.
We kill things every day, plants, animals, insects, bacteria, you name it.
Most translations that would make any sense say "thou shalt not commit murder", and most people define murder as killing a human being. (Hell, even the bible is kind of selective about what's human; I seem to recall that killing slaves is not such a bad thing as killing a free man, although I could be confusing it with another cultural text; somebody knowledgable please correct me if I'm wrong)
Here's the clincher: a zygote is not a human being and neither is a blastocyst or even an embryo in at least the first half of its development. It has no consciousness, it does not even resemble a human being as distinct from any other mammal for that period. Sure it's got human dna, but by that definition any shed skin cell you lose or drop of blood when you cut yourself shaving qualifies as a human being.
Probably because the bible also supports the death penalty; both old and new testaments. The bible makes a distinction between taking an innocent life (God hates the shedding of innocent blood) and a government taking the life of someone who is guilty of a heinous crime. It's not really hard to grasp.
That said, abortion and execution both being legal, neither is murder, technically. Murder is the illegal taking of human life.
I wish I could give you rep points, Skeptical. As much as the legal definitions of murder, execution, and abortion may seem like semantics it goes much deeper than simple dictionary terms.
Murder is unjust. Executing a criminal who committed a crime so heinous to merit the death penalty is just.
I don't expect everyone to agree, and I certainly don't expect to convert anyone. All I'd like is for people to stop accusing me of hypocrisy when I'm not a hypocrite.
Agreed, it does go deeper than dictionary terms. In the strictest technical sense, neither can be called murder. In a moral sense, regarding justice, opinions differ. The fundamentalists and most other anti-abortion people believe that killing an innocent fetus is unjust (and thus morally murder) whereas killing someone after a fair trial in which they have been convicted of a heinous crime is just, and thus not murder. I agree with you that there is nothing hypocritical about it.
Ironically, what they seem to be trying to point out is that so many of the people who are anti-death-penalty are pro-choice, which they understandably see as hypocrisy.
Can a human embryo really be considered a full person, given that a) sentience has not yet developed and b) survival outside the womb before about the 8-month stage generally requires extraordinary medical intervention?
My personal views on the subject tend to support banning abortion in the third trimester, but keeping it legal up until that point, for whatever it's worth, and always having exceptions for situations where the mother's health is in danger.
That's hard to say, I think. Obviously the Christian anti-abortion people do believe it is human. Full person? That's a sketchy term. I mean was Terri Schiavo a full person? Are people who can not survive without medical intervention or who are profoundly retarded full persons? Where is the line drawn? Are infants even full persons when they can't possibly survive on their own? I can't really say. Many times the pro-life crowd point out that by the time a woman has an abortion, the embryo's heart is already beating. It has its own blood type, own DNA, may be a different sex from the mother...they would say that even though dependent it is still distinct, that fetal development is a spectrum and that it is viable for its intended environment (the womb.) I don't see the argument against something like the morning after pill, though. That merely prevents a pregnancy from occurring.
My official stance on abortion is that I don't give a fuck. I'm a guy, and so the whole abortion thing really does not apply to me, regardless of what I think of it. I'm more than happy to leave that one for the ladies to sort out while I contemplate more pressing issues, like what game I feel like playing, or what the hell was in that case in Pulp Fiction (my money's on big ol' bricks of gold).
If you really want my thoughts on abortion (and I concede that most of you probably don't, but you're getting them anyway so tough): It's a ridiculously huge and complex issue, and there's no one "right" answer regardless of which angle you're coming from. I'll say this, though; whether or not the thing inside the woman's body is currently a living person or not is not terribly important. The zygote or blastocyst or embryo or whatever would have eventually become a living human being. So abortion does end a life, if not now then at some point in the future. The real question, then, is whether or not there are times where ending a life before it truly starts is ever the "right" thing to do. And like almost every other huge, complex, controversial issue, there really isn't one simple answer to this. Whether having an abortion is the right and proper thing to do depends on so many factors (culture, income, family, health [both the mother's and the child's], probably a billions others I can't think of right now) that only the person actually considering the abortion and her closest family and friends could ever figure that out. It's nobody else's business, especially not the business of simple, ignorant fundie fucks who care a lot more about their own dumb views on everything than they do about other people.
the funny thing is what "thou shalt not kill" really mean was "thou shalt not kill a fellow jew", read the rest of the old testement, its like the holocaust, only bigger and less gas-emitting showerheads
children are not killed.
Abortion doesn't involve 'children'.
'Liberals' isn't an entity, it's a system of basic ideas. There is no giant 'liberal' that you can affix this to. You are creating a mass strawman to knock down. Site specific instances, or please, shut the fuck up.
Skeptical: "Jezebel, women die from legal abortion too. .. All surgery carries risks ..."
I suppose that may be true; I've even heard about people dying during routine dental surgery. Of course, I think all reasonable people can agree that's no reason to outlaw dental surgery. And, I think that statistics show that carrying a pregnancy to term is much more risky than abortion in general, though that's no reason to outlaw pregnancy.
My problem with the argument that, regardless of the stage of development, an egg cell will eventually become a human: when you start getting into things that haven't happened yet, a level of uncertainty becomes inevitable. Killing someone in a war could potentially mean killing off an entire line of future human beings, but nobody thinks about it like that: all you did was kill one man, and you're punished accordingly.
@Randy: I quote that verse at christians that advocate killing, because they are the ones that are supposed to follow it, not me. I do think that in some exceptional circumstances killing someone is the right thing to do.
@PhoenixUltima: You have expressed my thoughts better than I ever could.
Because you shalt not kill doesn´t include respect for animals either and because the same book takes non-born children and even children up to 12 as chattel. Does it answer your question?, if you were more consistent with your beliefs and defended life with all its consequences, they would give you credit. Life is sacred always, not only before conception.
The bible is OBVIOUSLY pro death penalty. I mean the most commonly fucking painted thing out of the god damn bible is a death sentence being carried out. Jesus christ read your dam bibles.
ps- just think of any abortions anybody may have as them giving their first born to the lord as they do their grain and cattle or whatever. Or maybe you could just burn aborted fetuses on an alter- that'll make it hunky dory yes?
Wads of cells aren't children. Contrary to your beliefs, life does NOT begin at conception.
Also, you can't be pro-war or pro-deathpenalty if you're pro-life. It's saying you're pro-KKK, but you're also pro-black. It just doesn't work.
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