...and there's 'Queers' being thrown off high roofs in certain parts of Syria & Iraq.
You could always move to those parts of those countries, seeing as you want 'queers' dead.
The 10th & 14th Amendments ensuring that the 26th June SCOTUS decision is backed by Constitutional law; Romans 13:1-5, and all that jazz (thus your 'God' approves of S-SM. Prove me wrong. Now). Judge Bunning's 'Sword of Damocles' over Kim Il-Davis' head: just waiting for her to make one tiny mistake, and BAM!, the legal precedent is set: Thoughtcrime on all you fundie Christains.
85% of the Dutch population agreeing with S-SM legislation in that country in 2001. S-SM legalised here in the UK a few years ago. The referendum in Ireland - with an utterly 'Opinion'-castrated Catholic clergy, once so politically powerful, but no more, due to it's own Paedophile Priests-based hypocrisy - a few months ago.
Australia? It's only a matter of time...!
There's 'Queer' marriage in the US. Right-wing Fundamentalist Christainity in your country tarred with the same sin brush as Josh Buggar. [/Adam & Eve]
...still, there's always the fundie utopia that is Uganda, eh KDC4G? That next flight to Entebbe awaits...! >:D
"Got it. So Davis can rot in a cell, too"
Stop it, you're turning me on. [/That last scene in "Red State"]