Everyone is NOT an atheist. There is only one, true God. All others are fake, delusions. Not believing in something that does not exist is not atheism.
I am the LORD your God, and I only shalt thou serve.
Not believing in something that does not exist is not atheism.
Unless that thing that doesn't exist is a god, in which case it totally is. Words have meaning for a reason.
Growing up as a Christian, I was taught to be highly skeptical of supernatural claims that were contrary to the Bible. Joseph Smith was unable to produce the golden tablets and magic glasses that he claimed to get teachings from, so he was clearly a liar. And Islamist fighters overseas can't call down supernatural aid against our troops; if I smugly pointed that out to a Muslim, my Christian friends would grin at how I had verbally pwned the guy. Now, however, I apply those standards of skepticism to ALL supernatural claims.
I'd rather not worship you, if it's okay.
Also, is this the only quote being displayed for anyone else on the archives main page?
There is only one, true God. All others are fake, delusions.
And you know this because ... ?
Good Morning Pod People and welcome to Summer.
Paul Davies didn't say this: In what ways is the supernatural inferred?
Given that thought can't be quantized but that everything else can be it follows that language was projected into this time space continuum complete.
The only thing to ascertain is who is God? Jesus, having declared Himself, the only thing left to ascertain is; What does He want?
Having asked the question How do I love God and my neighbour the only thing to do is what is obvious and what you are told to.
Pragmatic Specificity is every other thought.
not me below
now TWO posters below not me two thieves
#1546806 (Warren McIntosh)
I'd have to say yes, he's calling himself "god" since I see no quotation marks around what I would otherwise recognise as scripture.
So, yeah, Anthony L(oser) has an ego problem.
Jesus is Lord and wants you to love your neighbor.
In the cosmological extremis phalmagotion, I am your neighbor next of kin.
In your pod people brains, you think I am an attention whore. Woeful lack of imagination. What I really want is your love.
PG13, if you want love go to Match.com. People who join Match.com are 30% more likely to find a relationship than those who don't. I actually don't have any firsthand experience with dating sites, but I think it might be a good place to start for you.
Edit: Actually, join ChristianMingle and find God's match for you!
"There is only one, true God"
But which one?
I need two things:
proof of existence of a deity
proof that yours is the one.
Just 2 pieces of verifiable evidence - it shouldn't be that hard!
Not believing in something that does not exist,,, is linear logic, applying to anything there is no evidence for. Does Thor exist? You are an Atheist in respect to all other once-worshipped Gods.
Did anyone have to read this sentence more than once to make sense of what he's trying to say?
Not believing in something that does not exist is not atheism.
Nomenclature aside, if something doesn't exist -- and we acknowledge that it doesn't exist -- it's foolish to believe in it. I think it's safe to say that we all agree that green-blooded, noseless people don't exist. So why would we believe in them?
Time for one of these.
"Not believing in something that does not exist is not atheism."
Awesome sentence. A Quad Lutz, for sure!
(his words, verbatim ):
"I am the LORD your God, and I only shalt thou serve."
You're on an express elevator ro Hell: Going DOWN! [/"Aliens"]
Commandments 1, 2 & 3, bitch.
'You gotta stand for something or you'll fall for anything'? 'You gotta believe in something , as the likes of you are wont to say? Well...
(*gets up from chair, stands *)
I believe in me . [/hyper-smartarse]
...oh, and something else yo lot usually say too: 'You gotta serve someone: Either God or Satan. ' Well, as an enthusiast of all things Gene Roddenmberry, I go by what Captain Jean-Luc Picard says: 'There are always other options'.
Those self-scan checkouts in supermarkets these days are so handy, therefore I go for the third option: I serve myself . [/hyper-smartarse II] >:D
You're not familiar with atheism are you?
Also how do you know there is only one god? How do you know any of mine are false?
I don't serve your god. I serve mine. And even then I consider they COULD be false. I look at yours and think it could be as well. But it might not.
So the part in the 10 Commandments where God says "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20)" and "Thou shalt worship no other god For the Lord is a jealous god (Exodus 35)." is a lie?
@Mudak: I think it's safe to say that we all agree that green-blooded, noseless people don't exist. So why would we believe in them?
What would one of those be called, hypothetically? Vulcan-mort?
"Everyone is NOT an atheist."
Phrased very poorly. If you mean "Not everyone is an atheist" you're right. Thanks Captain Obvious. If you mean "No one is an atheist," you're an idiot, a liar or both.
"Not believing in something that does not exist is not atheism."
Uh, it is if that something is a god.
I'm really curious as to why Christians are so eager to believe that there are no atheists. I guess it's so they can justify their belief that atheists deserve spending eternity being burned in Hell, or else the thought that everyone on the planet really does deep down believe in God, so that makes Christians' beliefs right.
Ebon, I'd like to encourage you. That was an entire sentence without "lie" in it. Well done.
Fraulein, the other two 'me's aren't me. Just an identity thief/ criminal.
"...and I only shalt though serve."
What execrable grammar.
Let's recast that sentence:
'Thou shalt serve only I.' See what I mean? Shades of Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.
The last sentence is beyond logic fail.
*head desk*
*head desk*
*head desk*
*head desk*
*head desk*
fucking idiot!
Everybody believes that the things they disbelieve are false. Disbelieving in something that is false is not atheism. Therefore, nobody considers themselves an atheist.
We know the conclusion is untrue. One of the premises must not be true.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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