cababika799 #fundie

What's amazing about this is that the atheistic/evolution camp is becoming more hostile towards the idea of aternatives being taught in school than theists are of evolution being taught in their schools.
If you read the interview between the Nova correspondant and the intelligent design advocate, you would know that he is not trying to take evolution out of schools. He is simply stating the obvious fact that although the picture looks good overall, the supporting evidence for evolution is full of holes.
He's not saying that anyone shouldn't believe in it. What he is saying is that the supporting evidence is not complete enough to present it that way that most teachers and professors do.
If you want to believe that it took millions of years for all of this stuff to come about then I support you in that. This is the land of the free! But you are depriving schools of the same freedom. A vast amount of Americans want the alternative to Evolution taught along side it. They don't want evolution out of our schools, they just want the professors to be honest with the students about the lack of full evidence.
On the other hand, the evolution camp applauds those teachers who refuse to teach an alternative. Why the double standard? Do unload the "one is proven, one is not" load because you know as well as I do that the theory is simply the best you've come up with, not the ends.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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