Medic911 #fundie

[A presentation of fundie sarcasm]

Come on guys... diversity is a good thing. I think that it should be mandatory reading for all kindergartners.
I'm currently working on a series of childrens' books along the same lines:

"Alfred The Homosexual Turtle" Can Alfred and his partner Gary beat Rudy the Randy Rabbit in the annual Pride race?

"Lesbians Are Our Friends" A frank discussion of lesbianism, intended for grades K through 3.

"Bob's Adulterous Adventure" A series of three books, which chronicle the misadventurous Bob on a zany quest to cheat on his wife. Can Bob get away with it? Will his wife leave him and win custody of children? Read this book and find out! Recommended reading for 1st and 2nd graders!

"How to Lie with Conviction" A primer for 3rd graders

"Young Detective Agency and the Mystery of Zealottown" Can the detective duo Joe and Karla Young escape from the Christians and solve the mystery of Zealottown?

[Edited for post length, but the entire thing is funny]



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