American presidents have become famous of late for their wives sorceries or approval of immorality. Nancy Reagan consulted astrologers as one case among many. Laura Bush goes on tv with a known lesbian as if okaying the lifestyle – after her husband tried a lame attempt at a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage rather than a constitutional amendment to ban homosexuality. Jackie Kennedy prayed to the host of heaven.
All these, to themselves had and have very good reasons for their absolute loathing of Jesus Christ as He actually is in favor a lie of Who and What He is that they can twist to keep themselves in power as supposed dictators of orthodoxy and acceptable ‘free willed’ behavior patterns before God. All of them have been assigned such by God – to their destruction...
A constitutional ban on homosexuality? Good luck with that. It's been with us since the dawn of time (and, no, I don't mean 6000 years ago).
The rest of the post is more delusional rantings. I agree with C_V. No clarity there.
"host of heaven" ?
I left my Jebidiah begat Jedidiah batshit decoder ring at home today. Is praying to the host of heaven a good thing or not?
Is the host of heaven supposed to be God here? Or is it a plural meaning to describe saints or something?
Maybe it's Heaven's doorman. "Hi, I'm Carlton, your doorman here in the afterlife."
Or maybe it's something like "The Host of Heaven!" being similar to "The Elvis of Paramus, New Jersey" or "The Ozzy Osbourne of Saskatoon."
Laura Bush goes on tv with a known lesbian as if okaying the lifestyle...
Yes, how dare she be seen with a lesbian. She should know it is her solemn duty as a good help meet to stone the immoral witch.[/sarcasm]
...after her husband tried a lame attempt at a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage rather than a constitutional amendment to ban homosexuality.
I guess you're right. He views the constitution as little more than toilet should be happy he didn't try and just go all out. So...while we're stripping freedoms, what next? Shall we arrest anyone who wears blue jeans to work? How about anyone with green eyes? Southpaws seem to be the logical choice...they've had it real easy the past while, what with being able to flout their godless lefthandedness to blithely. Please, my dear, who should we persecute next?
Isn't Dick Cheney's daughter a lesbian, if he decides spend time with her, her partner and child wouldn't also be guilty of "okaying the lifestyle" too. As Mary wasn't completely banished I assume that Dick Cheney is immoral too. (He is but for other real crimes not his daughter, the one thing he seems to have got right.)
The Host of Heaven, is that supposed to be because Jackie Kennedy was a Catholic
You're accusing Nancy Reagan of being wild and approving of immorality?
Oh, and you missed out on the big one, Eleanor Roosevelt.
"a constitutional amendment to ban homosexuality"
"Christian Clarity"
Limiting the behavior of homosexuals would be, surprise surprise, unconstitutional, you retard. Why do you hate freedom?
Maybe this is a bad time to reveal that I have dried Red Clover and mixed it in my tea to help with my bronchitis...
"Famous of late"? John F Kennedy died in 1963, is that really "of late"? That was six years before I was even born, and I'm over 40 years old.
Considering that the US has only been around for 234 years, 47 years is one fifth of its "lifetime" so far.
@ #833189
Sorry but John Kennedy got communion too. The two of them, by the way, were ROMAN CATHOLICS.
I just don't understand religion. How can an Irishman be Roman? Besides, considering his womanising (nothing wrong with that, hee hee) wasn't he more of a Roamin' Catholic?
after her husband tried a lame attempt at a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage rather than a constitutional amendment to ban homosexuality.
Is this in reference to Bush's cockassing 200 times with 'Topper' Jef Gannon?
Was Michelle Obama a Jedi ...?!
Melania Trump may have planted a tree in the White House garden last week - while she was wearing heels - but I don't know how sorcerous that can be: unless you consider that Gaia Worship, OP.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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