Christian Clarity Review #fundie

American presidents have become famous of late for their wives sorceries or approval of immorality. Nancy Reagan consulted astrologers as one case among many. Laura Bush goes on tv with a known lesbian as if okaying the lifestyle – after her husband tried a lame attempt at a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage rather than a constitutional amendment to ban homosexuality. Jackie Kennedy prayed to the host of heaven.

All these, to themselves had and have very good reasons for their absolute loathing of Jesus Christ as He actually is in favor a lie of Who and What He is that they can twist to keep themselves in power as supposed dictators of orthodoxy and acceptable ‘free willed’ behavior patterns before God. All of them have been assigned such by God – to their destruction...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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