Der_Metzger #racist

This year, we have a new history teacher at school. HE IS DARKER THAN COAL! It might seem "usual" for Americans to have Negroes for teachers, but here in Quebec, IT'S NOT!

Holy shit...I mean in my class there is 31 white students and 1 nigger "student"...In the whole school, there is 1000 whites, 3 yellows (1chink/1gook/1jap), 3 wet-backs, 1 native Canadian, 2 sand-niggers and 4 negroes! THIS MEANS THAT OUR SCHOOL IS 98,7% WHITE !!!! Why do we need a black teacher from fuc*ing Congo?

But this is not the worst, since History is my favorite school subject, I decided to attempt to now what we would study this year. You know what "it" answered? ; (...)We will study the influence of important figures such as Martin Luther King(...).

As I was trying not to smash my head against the wall, I asked ; Will we study the bases of the IIIrd Reich, the most important phase in human history? "It" answered ; Sure! we will talk about the holocaust, and the misery the Jews endured. (WTF ?!?!?)

Later that day, I was expelled of the class for being "impolite to the history teacher"... My father told me that even if the teacher is a damn Africoon, I must listen in class and shut the fu*k-up...He said that the only way I should "make my mark in his class" is by having "kick-ass" grades (wich I do).

What you guys think about all this?



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