I am amazed at how defensive the darwinists are. Someone finally calls them on the carpet and they have "gang-piled" over a thousand reviews against this film. Why? Because they don't believe in Free Speech. They are the new Puritians who silence those with whom they disagree. This film [Expelled] documents that.
Alternatively, it's a barely-credible hatchet-job of a film that richly deserves the criticism it's getting.
Who's been silenced? The movie got made, didn't it? It got national release, didn't it?
Ay yi yi. Say what you want, prove that you are idiotic, we don't care.
"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions." - Thomas Jefferson.
Also, you are a fucking idiot.
"I am amazed at how defensive the darwinists are."
Where the hell did you find a Darwinist in the 21st century? Nobody's been seriously called a "Darwinist" for 150 or so years, except by you goofy fuckers who don't keep up with the times.
"Someone finally calls them on the carpet and they have "gang-piled" over a thousand reviews against this film."
Show me any other propaganda film and I'd review it as harshly.
Because propaganda sucks. Well, it's interesting from an historical/sociology perspective but in general I find it rather stupid overall.
"Because they don't believe in Free Speech."
You can say any damned fool thing you'd like but you should be ready to have your ignorance pointed out to you. If you can't handle that then you should keep your mouth shut. Same goes for movies such as Expelled; if they don't want to be criticized for being a bunch of ignorant, lying cheats they shouldn't make such movies.
"They are the new Puritians who silence those with whom they disagree. This film [Expelled] documents that."
Uh, yeah. You keep telling yourself that.
I'm pretty sure that they're posting those reviews bashing the film precisely because they believe in their own right to free speech, as well as the films' creator's rights. Disagreeing with someone =/= suppressing their free speech, you moron.
"Expelled" does not document anything about free speech. What it does show is that the ID crowd wouldn't know a theory if it bit them on the left bum cheek. ID/creationism is not science; it is faith and belongs in a house of worship. And, not supported by my hard earned taxpayer dollars, either. Get your own private funding for your religion and see if you can demonstrate the being with the wand, wings, tights and a cape. By the way, does ID explain disease process? "crickets."
The freespeech violation they are speaking about in the "documentary" is also full of shit.
The two guys who got sacked for bublishing an article in favor of ID were the scientist who wrote it and the editor who greenlighted it.
The problem is those two guys were related, the article in question was never peer reviewed, neither of the dumb fucks are biologist to begin with and the article was pushed throught back channels contraty to the magazines policy.
In short, two idiots got sacked for publishing pseudo-science in a serious scientific magazine.
Free speech include having the right to laugh at things you find stupid.
The film Expelled is so stupid it burns, the No Intelligence Allowed must mean the people in the production team.
The people who tried to smuggle in an article about Intelligent Design in a scientific magazine now have their stupidity shouted from the rooftops. How is that silencing someone?
One of the persons featured in the movie, P.Z. Myers, was Expelled from the pre-release show, for no good reason whatsoever.
The producers probably wanted to silence him, because he disagrees with them. They really shot themselves in the foot there...
So, if nobody would have protested the lies in that "documentary" you would have said this would be proof that they were true.
Nice Catch-22 you have there...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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