"'wishful' or 'magic thinking', which is basically about "I want it to be true and so it is". This is frequently encountered in scientists who want to prove their hypotheses; their minds interpret data in a certain way because it supports their ideas."
At leasrt said scientists back up their hypotheses with something that you lot have no concept of:
Thus what they say is fact. When they find new evidence, it only serves to not only reinforce, but greatly enhance in the realm of reality said facts. That's how the game works, you see. As demonstrated in these flowcharts:
Now, where is your evidence to back up what your Bible claims? Oh, and before you do, there is but one condition: You can't use the Bible itself, to prove the Bible's veracity. Only non-Biblical, peer-reviewed material is permitted
...ah, but then this whole 'faith' concept is encountered in fundies who want to prove their 'belief'. Via 'Wishful Thinking', that they 'believe' that a magic sky pixie is true, and so it is'. Oh, and as for 'I want it to be true and so it is (i.e. 'The Bible is true, because it says so') in that case, this quote:
'What's true, is true for you'
- L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of $cientology
Completely annihilates your thinking - in more ways than one. Do you agree with what LRH says? (check one)
[ ] Yes. Then every other religion - including LRH's $cientology - has equal validity, and therefore respect by you & your ilk; you forfeit in perpetuity the right to criticise in any way other beliefs. Including Satanism. And you lot also go on & on about Atheism also being a religion, so...!
[ ] No. Then you've just destroyed your own religious 'beliefs'. As, along with all other religions - including LRH's $cientology - right-wing Fundamentalist Christianity can never justify it's existence. Because by your own admission, if LRH's religion has no validity whatsoever, and therefore has no right to co-exist with all others - including yours, neither has yours.
Choose wisely.
And last time I heard, the Bible wasn't peer-reviewed. By the scientific establishment.
Ergo, 'If you don't pray in my schools, I won't think in your churches'*. QED. Matthew 6:6 ring any bells? A clue for free, myself: 'Separation of Church and State'. Last time that was allowed, people were burned at the stake.
*- Otherwise, if religion has the right to control secular politics, then we Atheists have the right to control religion. Don't like that idea, myself & all your fundie, nay, Dominionist ilk? Then obey Matthew 6:6. The Bible itself - Romans 13:1-5 - orders you to obey that part of Scripture, after all.